
(3014) Gilding on Wood.

Manufacturer and builder 6, 1882

The most reliable directions for gilding on wood we find in the very practical "Work Manual" (No. III.), entitled "Hints for Painters, etc.," published be the Industrial Publication co., New York. They are as follows; To gild in oil, the wood. after being properly smoothed, is covered with a coat of gold size, made of drying linseed of mixed with yellow ocher. When this has become so dry as to adhere to the fingers without soiling them, the gold leaf is laid on with great care and dexterity, and pressed down with cotton wool. Places that have been missed are covered with small pieces of gold leaf, and when she when the whole is dry the ragged bits are rubbed off with cotton. This is by far the easiest mode of gilding. Any other other metallic leaves may ha applied in a similar manner. Pale leaf gold has a greenish-yellow color, and is an alloy of gold with silver. Dutch gold leaf is only copper colored with the fumes of zinc. Being much cheaper than gold leaf, it is very useful when large quantities of gilding are required in placs where it can be defended from the weather, as it changes color if exposed to moisture; and it should be covered with varnish. Sliver leaf is prepared like gold leaf, but when applied should be kept well covered with varnish, as otherwiee it will tarnish. A transparent yellow varnish will give it the appearance of gold.

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