Coloriasto on väriaiheisten tekstien (ja kuvien) verkkoarkisto
(Archive for colour themed articles and images)
(Mainos) Texolite
Life, 1951
(Mainos) Kabuki pink
Mademoiselle, joulukuu 1958
Hiusvärimainos vuodelta 1950
(julkaistu: Life Magazine, huhtikuu 1950)
Solving Home Problems (yksi kuva kuvasarjasta)
Popular Mechanics, marraskuu 1951 Electric-Plug Shell pressed over a dowel protects hands from hot solution when dyeing fabric. Rubber shell...
White-Lead Putty Won't Bleed
Popular Science, helmikuu 1950 If you have trouble with ordinary putty "bleeding" through your paint and showing up as yellow spot...
Blackboard-Paint Formula
Popular Mechanics, marraskuu 1951 As blackboard paint made from the following formula can be used on almost any smooth surface, it is especi...
Easily Handled Airbrush Colors Provided by Clothing Dyes
Popular Mechanics, huhtikuu 1950 Inexpensive and easy to handle, packaged clothing dyes provide excellent colors for airbrush work. The dye ...
"Painting" Lake ice Black Lengthens Shipping Season
Popular Mechanics, huhtikuu 1950 By coating the ice-covered Great Lakes with black powder or liquid, scientists at Armour Research Foundatio...
Odds and Ends.
Kiplinger's Personal Finance, helmikuu 1950 Radioactive atomic materials are now used to speed up textile dyeing so that workers can dye...
Colored Furs
Kiplinger's Personal Finance, elokuu 1955 Colored furs might turn out to be a sensation, the furriers are saying. New dyeing techniques ...
At Last - A Multi-Purpose Paint
Kiplinger's Personal Finance, helmikuu 1950 Answer to a question starts a business A question he couldn't get out of his mind - ...
Hair-dyeing, and extreme form of togetherness
LIFE 9.9.1957 (Artikkelikokonaisuudesta Going Steady ) When two people are togerher almost all the time, there are bound to be some dull mom...
This Lady is Dyeing Her Hair
LIFE 27.11.1950 Home process works in fifteen minutes Thanks to improved processes, dyed hair no longer looks as artificial as it did years ...
A Dye For Salons
LIFE 27.11.1950 Learning to dye by new Miss Clairol method, hairdressers practice on willing subjects who allow their hair to be used in ret...
"The Missing Pink" (huulipunamainos)
Kuvan Coloriastolle lähettänyt Lisa Dunham. Du Barry discovered it! The shockingly-beautiful winter pink you've spen a lifetime looking ...
Mainos (KKH)
[Tähän skannattu mainos julkaistu: Omin käsin 1951]
Mainos (Ar-hi kotivärit)
[Tähän skannattu mainos julkaistu: Omin käsin 1951]