Spinning color disks, the operator sees the exact shade specified in a cable from his agent
The use of colors in interior decoration ceases to be a matter of taste and can almost be reduced to rules when the relations which various colors bear to each other are considered. There are certain fundamental colors which are too skrikingly different to go well with one another, and by a mixing of these primary colors are made combination colors that are related t o each other just as are the fundamental colors of which they are made. This relationship is illustrated by the accompanying diagram. The samllerst circle contains the three primary colors; the next circle gives the three possible combinations of the primary colors, and so on, to the fifth circle. From the diagram it is possible to see what combination of colors is contained in each color outside the primary circle, and it is also possible to determine from this relationship what combination of colors will go well together. if a straight line is drawn in any direction from the center of the diagram to the circumference, the four colors that it intersecys can safely be used together in interior decoration. For example, if a prevalent sage color is desired, a line from one end of the sage section to the center shows that slate, green, and blue can be used with it; or a line from another point indicates that citrine, green, and yellow will make a safe combination. Complementary colors can be determined in the same way. As blue and yellow are complementary or red, their combination, green, can be used with red; and sage can be used as a complement of russet. When the prevalent color for a room has been selected, the rule of color combinations will supply the other possibilities.
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