
A Cheap Imitation of Silver Bronze.

Scientific American 36, 29.5.1847

Put into a crucible an ounce of pure tin, and set it on fire to melt; when it begins to melt, add to it an equal quantity of bismuth, and stir the mixture with an iron rod till the whole is entirely melted and incorporated. - Take the crucible then from the fire, and after the melted composition has become a little cooler, but while it is yet in a fluid state, pour into it gradually, an ounce of mercury, stirring it at the same time, that the mercury may be thoroughly conjoined with the other ingredients. When the whole is thus commixed, pour the mass out of the crucible on a stone, where, as it cools, it will take the form of an amalgam or metallic paste; which will be easily bruised into a flaky powder, and may then be applied to sized figures in the manner of gold or silver bronze, or may be tempered with gum water, and applied to the work with a brush or camel hair pencil; and if properly secured with varnish or laquers, will be even more durable than either silver leaf or silver bronze.

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