Gardeners Dictionary:
containing The Best and Newest Methods of Cultivating and Improving The Kitchen, Fruit, Flower Garden, and Nursery; As also for Performing the Practical Parts of Agriculture: Including The Management of Vineyards, With the Methods of Making and Preserving Wine, According to the present Practice of The most skilful Vignerons in the several Wine Countries in Europe.
Together with Directions for propagating and improving, From real Practice and Experience, All sorts of Timber Trees.
The Eight Edition, Revised and Altered according to the latest System of Botany; and Embellished with several Copper-Plates, which were not in some former Editions.
By Philip Miller, F. R. S.
Gardener tothe Worshipdul Company of Apothecaries, at their Botanic Garden in Chelsea, and Member of the Botanic Academy at Florence.
Printed for the Author;
(Lontoo 1768)
[Kirjasta on väriin tavalla tai toisella liittyvien kasvien esittelyjä; julkaisu Coloriastossa kasvi kerrallaan.]
ANACARDIUM. Lin. Gen. Plant. 467. Acajou. Tourn. Inst. R. H. 658. tab. 435. The Cashew-nut, or Acajou.
ANACARDIUM (Occidentale) Hort. Cliff. 161. the occidental Anacardium, or Cashew. Acajou. Pis. Hist. Bras. 58.
The milky juice of this tree will stain linen of a deep black, which cannot be washed out again, but whether this has the same property with that oh the eastern Anacardium, has not yet been fully experimented, for the inspiffated juice of that tree is the best sort of lac, which is used for staining of black in China and Japan.
Dr. Grew mentions the juice being used for staining of cottons, but it is doubtful which of the species he means; though Sir Hans Sloane supposes it to be of the Acajou here mentioned. However, it may be very well worth the trial; if the inhabitants of the British islands in America would tap a few trees in the bleeding season, and collect the juice in earthen pots, keeping it in a place free from dust, or covering the pots over with a linen cloth, to prevent dust from mixing with it, and when it is of a proper consistence, some trials may be made with it, to fee if it has the same property with the Japan lac, which if it has, may prove a valuable commodity.
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