The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirvrgeria,
Imprinted at London by Iohn Norton. 1597
Of Coriars Sumach. Chap. 105.
Rhus Coriaria. Coriars Sumach.
Rhus Myrtifolius Wilde, or Myrtill Sumach.
The description
Coriars Sumach groweth up into the height of a hedge tree, after the maner of the Elder tree; bigger then Dioscorides reporteth it to be, or other, who affirme that Rhus groweth two cubits high; whose errors are the greaten: but this Rhus is so like unto the Seruice tree in shape and maner of growing, that it is hard to know one from the other; but that the leaues are soft and hairie, hauing a red sinewe or rib thorow the midst of the leafe: the flowers growe with the leaues upon long stems clustering togither like cats taile, or the catkins of the nut tree, but greater, and of a whitish greene colour: after which come clusters of roundberries, growing in bun, ches like grapes.
Plinie his Sumach, or the Sumach of Plinies description, groweth like a small hedge tree, hauing many slender twiggie branches, garnished with little leaues like Myrtus, or rather like the leaues of the Iuiube tree; aong which come foorth slender mossie flowers, of no great account or value, which bring forth smal seeds, inclosed within a cornered cafe or huske, fashioned like a spoone: the trunke or body of both these kinds of Sumach being wounded with some iron instrument, yeeldeth a gum or liquor.
The place
Sumach groweth as Dioscorides saith, in stony places: it is found in diuers mountaines and woods in Spaine, and in many places on the mount Apennine in Italy, and also neere unto Pontus. Archigenes in Galen in the 8. booke of medicines according to the places affected, sheweth that it groweth in Syria, making choise of that of Syria.
The time.
The flowers of Sumach come foorth in Iuly, the seed with the berries are ripe in Autumne.
The names.
This is called in greeke ---; Rhus saith Plinie hath no Latine name; yet Gaza after the signification of the Greeke worde, saineth a nae, calling it Fluida: the Arabians name it Sumach: the Italians Somacho: the Spaniards Sumagre: in low Dutch by contracting of the word they cal it Smack or Sumach: in English Sumach, Coriars Sumach, and leather Sumach: the leaues of the shrub be called ---- : in Latine Rhus coriaria, or Rhoë.
The seede is named ---- and -----: in Latine Rhoë culinaria,and Rhoë obsoniorum: in English Meate Sumach, and Sauce Sumach.
The temperature.
The fruit, leaues, and seede hereof do vey much binde, they also coole and drie: drie they are in the third degree, and cold in the second, as galecn teacheth.
The vertues.
The leaues of Sumach boyled in winde and drunken, do stop the laske, the inordinance course of womens sicknesses, and all other inordinate issues of blood.
The seede of Sumach eaten in sauces with meate, stoppeth all manner of fluxes of the belly, the bloodie flixe, and all other issues, especially the white issues of women.
The decoction of the leaues maketh haires blacke, and is put into stooles to fume upward into the bodies of those that haue the dysenterie, and is to be giuen them also in drinke.
The leaues made into an oyntment of plaister with honie and vineger, staieth the spreading nature of Gangrana and Pterygium.
The drie leaues sodden in water untill the decoction be as thicke as honie, yeeldeth foorth a certaine oylinesse, which performeth all the effects of Licium.
The seede is no lesse effectuall to be strowed in powder upon their meates which are Caeliasi or Dysenterici.
The seeds pouned, mixed with honie and the powder of Oken coles, healeth the Hemorrhoides.
There issueth out of the shrub a gum, which being put intoe the hollownesse of the teeth, taketh away the paine, as Diocorides writeth.
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