The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirvrgeria,
Imprinted at London by Iohn Norton. 1597
Of base Broome, or greening Weede. Chap. 16.
The kindes.
There be diuers sortes of Greene weede, or Greening weede, some of our countrie, and others of beyond the seas, which here are strangers.
The description
1. This base kinde of Broome called Greene weede or Diers weede, hath many tough branches proceeding from a woodie roote: whereon do growe great store of leaues, of a deepe greene colour, somewhat lon like those of Flaxe. The flowers growe at the top of the branches not much unlike the leaues of Broome, but smaller; of an exceeding faire yellow colour, which turne into small flat cods, wherein is contained a little flat seede.
2. Carolus Clusius setteth footh another kind of Broome, which Dodonaus calleth Genista inctoria being another sort of Diers weede: it groweth like the Spanish Broome, upon whose branches do growe long and small leaues like Flaxe, greene on the upperside, and of an hoaric shining colour on the other. The flowers growe at the top of the stalkes, spike fashion, in forme and colour like the former: the rootes are thicke and woodie.
3. Carolus Clusius setteth foorth two kindes of Broome, which are reckoned among the Greening weedes or Diers weedes, and are thought both by Plinie and Dioscorides to be of that kinde. The first is a lowe and base plant, creeping and lying flat upon ground, whose long branches are nothing else, but as it were stalkes consisting of leaues thicke in the midst, and thing about the edges, and as it were diuided with small nickes; at which place it beginneth to continue the same leafe unto the end, and so from leafe to leafe, untill it haue inchreased a great sort, all which do as it were make one stalke; and hath no other leaues, saying that in some of the nicks r diuisions, there commeth foorth a small leafe like a little eare. At the end of those flat and leafed stalkes come foorth the flowers, much like the flowers of the common Greening weede, but lesser, and of a yellow colour, which turne into small cods. The rootes are very long, tough and woodie, full of fibres, closing at the top of the roote from whence they proceede as from one body.
4. This kinde of Greene weede called of some Chamaspartium, hath a thicke woodie roote: from which riseth up diuers long leaues, consisting as it were of many peeces set togither like a paire of Beades (as may better be perceived by the figure, than expressed by words) green on the upperside, and whitish underneath, very tough, and as it were of a rushie substance: among which rise up very small naked rushic stalks; on the top whereof groweth an eare of spike of a chaffie matter, having here and there in the said eare diuer's yellow flowers like Broome, but very small or little.
5. The 5th Greenweede hath a woody tough roote, with certaine strings annexed thereto from which rise up diuers long, flat leaues, tough and very harde, consisting as it were of many little leaues, set one at the end of another, making of many one entire leafe, of a greene colour: among which come foorth diuers naked hard stalkes, very small and stiffe, on the tops whereof stand spikie eares of yellowe flowers, like those of Broome, in shape like that great three leafed graffe, called Alopecuroides, or like the Foxetaile grasse: after which come flat cods, wherein is inclosed small seede like to Tares both in taste and forme.
6. This differenth not from the precedent, in stalkes, rootes, and leaues: the flowers consist of a flockie sort matter, not unlike to the grassie tuft of Foxetaile, resembling the flower of Lagopus, called in Latine Pes Leporis, or Hares foote, wherein it chiefly differeth from the other of his kind.
The place
The first being our common Diers weede, groweth in most fertill pastures and fields almost euerywhere. The rest are strangers in England.
The time.
They flower from the beginning of Iuly to the end of August.
The names.
The first of these Greeneweeds is named of most Herbarists Flos Tinctorim, but more rightlie Genista Tinctoria: of this Pliny hath made mention; the Greeneweedes saith he, fo growe to the clothes with: in his 18 booke 16. chapter. It is called in high Ducth F[?]erblumen, and Ackerb[?]re: in Italian corretta, and Cosaria, as Mathiolus writeth in his chapter of Lysmachia, or Loosestrife: in English Diers Greening Weede, Base Broone, and Woodwaxen.
The rest we referre to their seuerall titles.
The temperatures and vertues.
These plants are like unto common Broome in bitternes, and therefore are hot and drie in the second degree: they are likewise thought to be in vertues equall; notwithstanding their use is not so well knowne, and therefore not used at all, where the other may be had: we shall not neede to speak of the use that Diers make thereof, being a matter impertinent to our Historie.
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