The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes. Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirvrgeria,
Imprinted at London by Iohn Norton. 1597
Rhamnus solutinus. Buckthorne.
Of Buckthorne, or laxatiue Ram. Chap. 27.
The description
Buckthorne groweth in manner of a shrub or hedge tree; his trunke or bodie is often as big as a mans thigh; his wood or timber is yellow within, and his barke is of the colour of a Chestnut, almost like the barke of the Cherrie tree. The branches are beset with leaues that are somewhat round like the leaues of the Crab or Wilding tree: among which come foorth thornes which are hard pricklie. The flowers are white and small, which being vaded, there succeed little round berries, greene at the first, but afterwards blacke, whereof that excellent greene colour is made, which the painters and limners do call Sap greene; but these berries before they be ripe do make a faire yellow colour, being steeped in vineger.
The place
Buckthorne groweth neere the borders of fields in hedges, woods, and in other untoiled places: it delighteth to growe in riuers and in water ditches. It groweth in Kent in sundrie places, as at Farningham upon the conie burrowes belonging somtime to M. Sibill, as also upon conie burrowes in Southfleere, especially in a small and narrow lane leading from the house of Master William Swan unto ongfield downes; also n the hedge upon the right hand at Dartford townes end towards London, and in many places more upon the chalkie bankes and hedges.
The time.
It flowreth in May, the berries be ripe int he fall of the leafe.
The names.
The later Herbarists call it in Latine Rhamnus solutinus, bicause it is ser with thornes, like as is the Ram, and beareth purging verries. Mathiolus nameth it Spina infectoria; Valerius Cordus Spina Cerus, and diuers call it Burgispina. It is termed in high Dutch Creukbeer weghdom: in Italian Spino Merlo; Spino Zerlino, Spino Cernino: In English Laxatiue Ram, Waythorne, and Buckthorne: in lowe Dutch they call the fruit or berries Rhtinbesien, that is, as though you should say in Latine, Bacca Rhenana, in English Rheinberries: in French Nerprun.
The temperature.
The berries of this Thorne, as they be in taste bitter and binding, so be they also hot and drien in the second degree.
The vertues.
The same do purge and voide by the stoole ticke stegme, and also cholerike humours: they are giuen being beaten into powder from one dram to a dram and a halfe: diuers do number the berries, who giue to strong bodies from sisteene to twenty or moe; but it is better to breake them and boyle them in fat flesh broth without salt, and to giue the broth to drinke: for so they purge with lesser trouble and sewer gripings.
There is pressed foorth of the ripe berries a iuice, which being boyled with a little Allum is used of painters for a deepe greene, which they do call Sap greene.
The berries which be as yet unripe, being dried and infused or steeped in water, do make a faire yellow colour, but if they be ripe they make a greene.
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