
The Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products: B (väriin liittyvät sanat)

The Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products, Manufacturing and Technical Terms: with a Definition of the Moneys, Weights, and Measures, of All Countries, Reduced to the British Standard.

By P. L. Simmonds, F.R.G.S., F.S.S., author of "The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom," "Waste products and Undeveloped Substances," "The Curiosities of Food," etc., etc.

A New Edition, Revised and Enlarged.

London: George Routledge and Sons, the Broadway, Ludgate;
New York: 416, Broome Street.

the French name for whitewash, gypsum, or plaster of Paris; also a composition of saw-dust and glue, used by joiners to fill up chinks in wood; a colouring substance or thick mortar for hiding defects in stone work.

the German name for fustian.

a technical name for colorin or tanning sails, nets, cordage, &c.; also for stripping trees of their bark for the use of tanners.

a red dye-wood, the produce of Baphia nitida, imported from Angola and Gaboon in Western Africa.

a bitter crystalline powder obtained from the root of Berberis vulgaris used as a substitute for quinine, and for colouring cottons and silks.

Berlin Wool,
various kinds of dyed worsted yarns, used by ladies for knitting and tapestry work.

the seeds of plants, many of which enter into commerce, as bay-berries, juniper-berries, &c,M French and Persian berries re the small dried fruit of Rhamnus infectorius used for dyeing, also called yellow berries.

Bichromate of Potash,
a beautiful crystalline salt in large prisms, of a brilliant red color, used in dyeing and calico printing, obtained from chromate of iron, and which is the source of the chrome pigments. Mixed with sulphuric acid, it is a powerful oxidizing agent for bleaching oils and fats.

Billiard Cloths,
green woollen Broad cloth, manufactured to cover a billiard tble, which are piece dyed, and seventy-two to eighty-one inches wide.

Bismuth Ochre,
an oxide of bismuth found in Saxony, Bohemia, and Siberia.

a solified earth-oil, or naphtha, which constitutes the inflammable principle of coal. See Asphaltum.

a money of Riga equal to about two French deniers or pennies; the darkest of colours used in painting.

a blacking composition used for polishing shoes.

a person employed in painting the edges and borders on writing paper, envelopes, &c., with a margin of black, for the use of persons in mourning.

Black Chalk,
a grayish or bluish black slaty substance, also a preparation of ivory black and fine clay, used in crayon drawing.

Black Draught,
a popular purgative medicine, composed of epsom salts, senna, liquorice, and aromatics.

a preparation of cream of tartar ignited in a close crucible; a carbonate of potash and charcoal.

a polishing paste or liquid, the chief ingredients of which are powdered bone black, sperm or linseed oil, molasses, sour beer or vinegar, oil of vitriol and copperas. Many thousands of tons of blacking are annually made in England.

Blacking Manufacturer,
a maker of liquid blacking, or polishing-pastes for leather.

Black Ink,
see Ink.

Black Jack,
a mining name for zinc blende or sulphide of zinc; a drinking cup of tin or leather; caramel or burnt sugar, which is used to colour spirits, cinegar, coffee &c.; a trade name for adulterated butter.

Black Japan,
a varnishing material made with tar and alcohol, or with lamp-black and resins.

a polishing material for iron stoves, &c. See Graphite and Plumbago.

Black-Lead Maker,
one who refines and prepares plumbago for various uses.

Black-Lead-Pencil Maker,
a manufacturer of pencils for draqing, marking, &c.

Black Paint,
the darkest pigment used. In oil colours there are ivory blacks, blue blacks and lamp blacks; in water colors we have also Indian Ink.

Black Plates,
a commercial name for thin sheets of iron not coated with tin.

Black Pudding,
a kind of sausage, made of sheep and pigs' blood, groats, suet, &c., enclosed in the dried intestines of swine and boiled. Many thousands of tons of these are made annually in Great Britain.

an iron-stone.

Black-Reviver Maker,
a manufacturer of a chemical preparation, for restoring the brilliancy of black dyed articles.

Blacks, a name for ink used in copperplate printing, prepared from the charred husks of the grape and residue of the winepress.

a chemical product in high repute as a specific among the natives of India. It is nothing ore than muriate of soda, fused with a species of myrobalan, whereby it acquires some of the qualities of the fruit, and a portion of iron. It also passes under the names of bitlaban, or bit-nolen.

Black Tin,
tin ore, beaten into a black and fine powder like sand for smelting.

Black Wad,
an ore of manganese used as a dryer for painters' colours.

one who whitens linens, &c., by chemical agency, or by exposure to the atmosphere.

the chemical process of removing the colour of cloth or vegetable substances.

Bleaching Powder,
chloride of lime, made by exposing slaked lime to the action of chlorine, which is used for bleaching linens, calicoes, and paper materials: many thousand tons of it are made annually in the kingdom.

the German name for lead, bleyglotte being litharge, and bleyweess white lead.

a popular name for the flesthy [...]mes of Sanguinaria Canadensis which furnishes an alkaloid, considered to be an acrid emetic, with stimulant and narcotic powers; also for the root of Geum Canadense, which has some reputation as a mind tonic.

Blue asbestos,
a hydrosilicate of iron, in delicate fibres, of an indigo blue color.

a name for the North American herring, Clupea elongata; a variety of the money cowry.

Blue Cloth,
an Indian cotton fabric shipped from Madras.

Blue Copper,
an ore of copper, of an indigo blue colour.

Blue Gum-Wood,
a fine lofty tree of Australia, the Eucalyptus globulus, which is chiefly used for shipbuilding purposes.

See Ink.

a miner's name for flor-spar, an esteemed variety of Derbyshire marble, which is worked up into vases and other ornaments.

Blue Lead,
see Galena.

Blue Light,
a kind of firework or night-signal which throws out a vivid light visible at a great distance.

Blue Paints,
of these some of the recognised commercial varieties are celestial, Prussian, common verditer, refiners' verditer, and indigo.

a asquare flag with a white centre and blue border, usually hoisted at the mast-head of a ship to announce her intended departure for sea.

Blue Pill,
a preparation of mercury with confection fo roses, liquorice root in powder, and other substances; a common medicine.

Blue Polishing-stone,
a dark slate imported in small lengths for workers in silver, metal, &c., to polish off their work.

a common name for sulphate of copper.

the sulphate of copper, which is used medicinally and to burn off proud flesh, for dyeing and electrotyping.

a German name for logwood, the Nicaragua dyewood.

a hydrated silicate of alumina; a friable argillaceous earth, which form a paste when moistened with water. The red or Armenian bole is used as a tooth-powder, and for giving a colour to sprats when pickled as anchovies, or pitted as paste for a breakfast relish. Powdered bole is used as an absorbent application sprinkled over ulcers. In time of scarcity this and other unctuous earths have been used in some coutries as a mechanical substitute of food.

a name for animal charcoal, the carbonaceous subtance which remains after the calcination of bones in close vessels.

the biborate of soda. This salt is largely imported from India under the name of tincal, and after purification forms the refined borax of commerce. It is chiefly used as a flux for metals, and a constituent of the glazes for porcelain.

the colonial name of a small tree, the Cæsalpinia Brasiliensis, the wood of which is much used for ornamental cabinet work, and is peculiarly adapted for carriage-wheel spokes. It was formerly used as a dye, but C. echinata has superseded it.

a dye-wood obtained from the Cæsalpinia echinata, imported chiefly from Pernambuco and Costa Rica. It yields rose, red, or yellow color, according to the mordant used; but it is very fugitive, and now not largely used.

Bremen Green,
a pigment. See Verditer.

an alloy of copper in the proportion of 70 or 80 per cent.; with 20 to 30 percent of zinc, and small quantities of tin or lead; used for castings, &c. The proportion of the metals varies.

a metallic powder resembling gold-dust. The principal uses of bronze colours are for japanning and bronzing tin and iron goods, statues, gas-fittings, papier maché work, printing, ornamental painting, and such like purposes. See Leaf Metal.

Brown Bess,
a name occasionally given to a musket with a brown barrel.

Brown Coal,
the German name for a species of lignite.

Brown Holland,
an unbleached linen, used for various articles of clothing and upholstery.

a varnishing surface given to metals as gun barrels, &c., by chloride of antimony.

Brown Ochre,
a peroxide of iron.

Brown Paints,
in oil colours we have the following commercial varieties: English, Turkey, and burnst umbers, T. D. Sienna and burnt Sienna, Vandyke, purple, washed and Spanish browns.

Brown Spar,
a crystallized form of carbonate of iron.

Brunswick Green,
a pigment of various shades of colour, according to the sulphates added.

the Rhamnus catharticus. A syrup is made from the berries which is used in cases of dropsy and worms. The juice stains paper green.

see Sapan-wood.

a light drab colour; an oiled leather for polishing.

----------------- Supplement

a painter's colour of which the chief varieties are ivory-black, bine-black [bone-], and lamp-black.

a painter's colour, the chief varietis of which are umber, Turkey, burnt Sienna, Vandyke, purple brown, washed brown and Spanish brown.

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