

Kasveilla värjääminen.

Vakka-Suomi 81, 27.7.1916 Värjäykseen aiotut puunkuoret kootaan keväällä, kun puut ovat mahalassa, jolloin ne helposti irtautuvat puusta. ...


Uutisia. Sodan vaikutuksia kirjapainoalalla.

Kirjapainotaito 9, 1917 Saksalainen ammattilehdistö esittää seuraavat tiedot hintojen kohoamisesta sodan vuoksi erinäisten kirjapainotarpe...


Edward J. Lowell: The Bayeux Tapestry.

Scribner's magazine 3, 1887 Ploughing and Sowing. Scenes from the Border of the Tapestry. Among the curiosities that are scattere...


American Madder.

The Scientific American 33, 30.4.1853 "The experiments which have of late been made with home-grown madder," says the "Lowe...


Glass Cement.

Manufacturer and Builder 3, 1876 A cement to stop cracks in glass vessels, to resist moisture and heat, is made by dissolving casein in a ...


Varnishes for Iron.

Manufacturer and Builder 5, 1869 The London Chemical News, which is reprinted in this city by Messrs. Townsend & Adams, gives a valuab...



Ruthenium Red.

The Manufacturer and Builder 8, 1893 The color discovered by M. Joly in his researches on the ruthenium ammoniacal compounds rivals the mo...


Pigments and Dyes Used by the Ancients.

Harper's new monthly magazine 265, 1872 From a memoir by M. Rousset upon the pigments and dyes used by the ancients it would appear th...



Savo 73, 9.7.1912 Kotiteollisuus-yhdistyksen kiertäwillä naiskäsityökouluilla oli aijottu tänä kewännä pitää lyhyet kaswiwärjäyskurssit, w...


Preventive of the Decay of Wood.

Manufacturer and Builder 1, 1869 Experiments have been carried on in Paris for a long time in the intent of finding out a means of preserv...


Om färgning i hemmet

Pellervo 5, 1909 (Se detta års februarihäfte). Gula färger fås af: 1) Björklöf. 250 gram alun finstötes och upplöses i ljumt vatten. ...


Diseases of Workers among Lead and Paint.

The Manufacturer and Builder 9, 1869 In the sixth of a series of reports "On the Preventible Diseases of the Industrial Classes,...


Värinmuunnokset lintumaailmassa.

Helsingin Sanomat 63, 5.3.1926 Kirj. Ivar Hortling. Tutkimalla lintujen höyhenten erilaisia pigmenttejä ja rakenteita, on viimeisimpinä ...


Wall Coloring.

Scientific American 19, 11.5.1867 A new wash, said to be almost as durable as paint and well suited to plaster, wood, metal or brick, has ...