
XXIX. How to make a red, with varnish, of a much higher hue than coral itself.
XXX. To make it gridelin colour.
XXXI. To make it green.
XXXII. Another way for the same.
XXXIII. To make it yellow.
XXXIV. To make it blue.
XXXV. Another sort of varnish.
XXXVI. A clear and transparent varnish for all sorts of colours.

Valuable Secrets concerning Arts and Trades:
or Approved Directions, from the best Artists, for the Various Methods...
Printed by Thomas Hubbard,
Norwich, 1795
Chap. III. Secrets for the composition of Varnishes, &c.

XXIX. How to make a red, with varnish, of a much higher hue than coral itself.

Take Spanish vermilion, grind it on a marble with brandy, and add to it the sixth, or eighth, part of lac. - When done, mix this composition with as much varnish as you may find it requisite to apply.

XXX. To make it gridelin colour.

Dilute with your varnish some blue verditure, lake, and whitening.

XXXI. To make it green.

Substitute for the above ingredients, German green verditure, pewter in grain, and white lead.

XXXII. Another way for the same.

Grind, with water, on a marble stone, the finest orpine you can find, and a little indigo. Let it dry, then pound and mix it with varnish.

XXXIII. To make it yellow.

Take some Naples yellow, and mix it well with your, varnish; then use it.

XXXIV. To make it blue.

Take ultramarine, lake, and whitening, and proceed as ordered in the other receipts above mentioned, and according to the directions of your judgment, and experience from them.

XXXV. Another sort of varnish.

Take shell-lac, in grains, two ounces; two of sandarak; black rosin, two drachms; and, spirit of wine, one quarter. Dissolve and prepare the whole as above.

XXXVI. A clear and transparent varnish for all sorts of colours.

Take oil of nuts, and a little of the finest Venice turpentine. Boil them well together. Add a little brandy to it, and boil it well also. Should then the varnish prove too thick, thin it with an additional quantity of oil. And, to apply it, make use of a very soft hair brush, and lay it carefully over the colours.

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