
§ II. To paint on paper.

Valuable Secrets concerning Arts and Trades:
or Approved Directions, from the best Artists, for the Various Methods...
Printed by Thomas Hubbard,
Norwich, 1795
Chap. V. Secrets concerning colours & painting.

V. For the red.

To make a red; take flat, or Venetian lake and Brasil wood, and boil all together, with an addition of black lead.

VI. To make a fine yellow.

To make a yellow, you must boil some kermes in a water impregnated with orpine.

VII. To make a green.

The green is made of a mixture of verdigrise, sap-green, Hungarian green, and terverte. The whole grinded on marble with a pretty strong leather size.

VIII. To transfer a print on vellum, and then paint it.

Chuse your print, and fit a sheet of transparent, or varnish paper to it, for width and breadth. Lay it on the print, and six it by the four corners, and the middle part of the four edges, on that print, by means of a little white wax, the bulk of a pin's head. Then a very fine lead pencil, sketch out the varnished paper, all the outline, and turns of the print which you plainly see through. When done, rub the back of this varnished paper all over with red chalk, and carrying it on the vellum, fix it on it, as you did on the print. Then with a wooden, or ivory, blunt point, if you pass over all the shokes which are delineated on the varnished paper, the red chalk of the back will set off in all those parts, and lie on the vellum, whereon you will find the print perfectly sketched, and fit to receive what colours you like.

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