
LXI. A varnish to gild certain parts of stamped leathers...

Valuable Secrets concerning Arts and Trades:
or Approved Directions, from the best Artists, for the Various Methods...
Printed by Thomas Hubbard,
Norwich, 1795
Chap. III. Secrets for the composition of Varnishes, &c.

LXI. A varnish to gild certain parts of stamped leathers, filtered in some places with pewter-leaves, and other-wise adorned with running stalks of flowers, of various colours, figures, and other sorts of embellishments.

1. Take lintseed-oil, three pounds: of that sort of varnish called Arabian sandarac, and rough pitch equal quantities, one pound each; and saffron, half an ounce. Instead of saffron, you had better, if you have that opportunity, make use of the staminas of lilies, which are infinitely preferable. - Put all into a varnished pipkin, and set it over the fire. Take great care not to have it burn; and, to avoid it, keep continually stirring the matter with a spatula. When you want to know whe ther it be, or not, sufficiently done, have a hen's feather, just dip it in, and off quickly. If the feather be grizzeled, it is a proof the matter has sufficiently boiled. Therefore, take it off from the fire, and throw in one pound of well-chosen and picked hepatica aloes, in powder. Mix well this with the spatula, and set it again on the fire, to concoct well this addition with the rest. If you see that your matter boils and swells, you must take it off, and let it rest awhile; during which time, you take some of the coals away. Set it now again upon this more moderate fire, stirring always well, that all may be perfectly incorporated. As soon as this see ms to you done, you take it off, let it cool a little, and strain it through a strong coarse cloth, and keep it for the following use.

2. Apply the silver, or pewter leaves, on the leather, with the white of an egg, or gum-water. When these are properly laid on, give one coat of the aboveementioned varnish; quite warm, on such places as you want to appear gilt, and set it in the sun. When dry, it looks like gold.

N. B. The Arabian sandarac, we have prescribed above, is known by some, under the denomination of Gum of Juniper.

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