
Wonderful Discovery in Paint.

Manufacturer and Builder 7, 1874

We have before us an important work, entitled "How every Man can Paint and Select Colors for Houses, and many Useful Hints How to Save Money, with Specimens of Colors, Chemical Analyses of Paints," etc. This is a most valuable work, issued by the proprietors of the Ingersoll Ready-Mixed Paint Works, 159 South street, New York. The book explains all the secrets of the painter's trade, the chemistry of paints, points out the defects of our modern paints over those of the ancients, who produced paints that endured for a thousand years. Mr. Quarterman, the inventor — a painter and chemist of 53 years' experience—has produced a paint for which unquestioned reference is given of its enduring for twenty years, which is about three times as long as that of any other known paint of the present day. This appears wonderful in these days of modern petroleum paints, which perish almost with their use. We advise all who use paints to inclose a three-cent postage-stamp to the Ingersoll Paint Works, and have sent free the book, and all dealers to write and secure an agency for a paint whose use must become universal. The price is very reasonable.

— New York Independent.

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