
(1102) Yellow Hair Dye.

Manufacturer and Builder ?, 1874 We find the stuff to be nothing more than what we have already described on page 130 of our May number fo...


(1100) Anilin Brown and Black.

Manufacturer and Builder ?, 1874 Treat anilin oil or nitro-benzole with bichromate of potash and an excess of sulphuric acid, with or with...


Some Information in Regard to Bismuth.

Manufacturer and Builder 11, 1874 This remarkable metal, thus far little used, but the utility of which has commenced to be better underst...


(1087) Bleaching with Turpentine.

Manufacturer and Builder 10, 1874 It Is true; We tried this method more than a year ago on jute. Its invention is due to M. Clocz, who com...


(1057) Dyeing Wool Blue.

Manufacturer and Builder ?, 1874 We copy from a contemporary the following recipe, which we trust will answer your question fully. ...


(1055) Duchemin's Enamel.

Manufacturer and Builder 9, 1874 Take fine white sand, 9 parts; litharge, 25 parts; saltpeter and arsenic, 3 parts each; pulverize and mix...


Wonderful Discovery in Paint.

Manufacturer and Builder 7, 1874 We have before us an important work, entitled "How every Man can Paint and Select Colors for Houses,...


[966] To Dye very Light Hair Golden Yellow.

Manufacturer and Builder 5, 1874 Take a solution of bichlorid of tin, dilute it sufficiently, and apply to the hair, then use a wash of hy...


[882] Staining Wood.

Manufacturer and Builder 2, 1874 We know of no special work on this subject in the English language; but many prescriptions are found in d...


[868] XIV. Coloring Plaster Molds.

Manufacturer and Builder 2, 1874 — How can I give to plaster molds a delicate flesh-colored tint? Also how can I give them the tint of eit...


[859] V. Coloring Materials by Which Gems are Imitated.

Manufacturer and Builder 2, 1874 — The basis of these imitations is a soft white lead glass of highly refracting power, called strass. For...


[865] XI. Artificial Auroras.

Manufacturer and Builder 2, 1874 — Consider that the electric light in question illuminates the surrounding atmosphere, which then shines ...


[845] Taking Impressions of Leaves.

Manufacturer and Builder 1, 1874 Rub vermillion, ultramarine, chrome green, or their equivalents well up with castor-oil to a thick paste ...


[839] Transferring Drawings to Glass.

Manufacturer and Builder 1, 1874 There are two methods of transferring to glass; one is to print on paper and transfer to glass as already...


[836] Gilding Glass.

Manufacturer and Builder 1, 1874 Gilding glass can not be patented—every one may do it; but the manner how is subject to a patent. Such is...


Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia. 90. Värjääminen.

Kotiliesi 7, 1925 Onko nykyään olemassa mitään uutta värjäystapaa, jolla saisi uusituksi huonekaluston haalistuneet päälliset niitä irroit...


Pääsiäisaamun menoja.

Kotiliesi 7, 1925 Kotiliedelle kirjoittanut dosentti, tohtori Uno Holmberg Pääsiäisaamun viettoon liittyi ennenvanhaan eräitä kansanom...


An indelible Red Ink.

Manufacturer and Builder 9, 1875 D. Elsner states that an indelible red ink can be prepared as follows: Equal parts, by weight, of coppera...


Paint for Wood.

Manufacturer and Builder 9, 1875 Wash the wood first with a solution of 1 pound of blue vitrol in 4 quarts of water, then with ½ pound of ...


A New Carmine Lake of Coal-Tar

Manufacturer and Builder 9, 1875 A new carmine lake of coal-tar may be obtained when the former substance, after being washed with water, ...


Något om tryckfärgen.

Kirjatyö 17, 1.9.1916 Vid de flesta stentryckerier torde man haft erfarenhet av att färgen som användes vid tryckningen å papperet, förlor...


(1674) Painting With Coal-Oil and Petroleum.

Manufacturer and Builder 10, 1876 —Neither coal-oil nor petroleum is much used in the North and East for painting. Crude petroleum will no...


(1671) Three Coats of Paint.

Manufacturer and Builder 10, 1876 — You are entirely mistaken, as will be clear to you when we explain the reasons on which the accepted c...


(1658) Making Common Ink Indelible.

Manufacturer and Builder 10, 1876 —Yes; the remedy is the addition of potassium sulphid. But it will not work so well in ink already made ...


The Danger of Lampblack.

Manufacturer and Builder ?, 1876 Within three years, says the Commercial (Boston) Bulletin , there have been three shops destroyed in Mas...


(1683) Blue Bronze.

Manufacturer and Builder ?, 1876 Is there no way to make a blue bronze in a simpler manner than the laborious prescription of Bechman, pu...


Muutamia huomioita moniväripainajille.

Kirjapainotaito 8, 1921 Värin tuhlaamisen välttämiseksi on kokeeksi sekoitettava ainoastaan pieni osa etsittävää väriä, jolloin kirjoiteta...


Q. 3166. Lithography.

Manufacturer and Builder 2, 1883 Q. 3166. Lithography. - Has not lithography been very long in use? Where does the stone used by lithogra...


Q. 3160. Decolorizing oils.

Manufacturer and Builder 2, 1883 Q. 3160. Decolorizing oils. Please give me the best process known for decolorizing oils. - P. H. T., Ch...


Käytännöllisiä neuvoja värien sekoittamisessa.

Kirjapainotaito 3, 1914 1. Värien ominaisuuksista. Sen, joka tahtoo sekoittaa värejä helposti ja varmasti, tulee tuntea tarkoin niiden a...


Painting Wood.

Manufacturer and builder ?, 1888 One coat of paint, says a correspondent of the Mechanical News , takes 20 pounds of lead and 4 gallons of...