
The Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products: U, V, W (väriin liittyvät sanat)

The Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products, Manufacturing and Technical Terms: with a Definition of the Moneys, Weights, and Measures, of All Countries, Reduced to the British Standard.

By P. L. Simmonds, F.R.G.S., F.S.S., author of "The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom," "Waste products and Undeveloped Substances," "The Curiosities of Food," etc., etc.

A New Edition, Revised and Enlarged.

London: George Routledge and Sons, the Broadway, Ludgate;
New York: 416, Broome Street.

a beautiful blue pigment, formerly very expensive, and obtained from the variegated blue mineral called lazulite, but now artificially compounded, and greatly reduced in price.

a massive mineral pigment, used by painters as a brown colour, and to make varnish dry quickly. It is used ether in its nautral state, or burnt.

Umriti, Userekee,
vernacular names for the myrobalan of the Emblica officinalis, used for tanning leather, and as a remedy in diarroea.

(Spanish), orchilla-weed; archil.

a colour so named.

a name for the Gyrophora murina, a lichen used in dyeing, obtained in Dovrefeldt mountains of Norway.

a scarlet ore when pure, but the colours usually sold under this name are prepared from sulphate of iron. Venetian red is sold either in lumps or in powder.

the acetate of copper, obtained by exposing thin plates of copper, for some time, to the actgion of the cake or marc of the wine-presses in the South of France. Besides the French verdigris, there are green ditilled, common, and crystallized verdigris.

a name for varieties of a blue pigment; a hydrated percarbonate of copper. It is generally prepapared by decomposing the solution of nitrate of copper by the addition of chalk. There are refined blue, and green verditers.

(French), silver gilt, or gilt bronze.

the bisulphuret of mercury in powder, a delicate bright red colour, which is pale or deep. The Chinese vermilion is sold in packets.

a dye produced by a mixture of red and blue colouring matters which are applied in succession.

white vitriol is a combination of sulphuric-acid and oxide of zinc. For the other vitriols, see Blue-vitriol, Green-vitriol, and Red-vitriol.

a blue phosphate of iron, occasionally used as a pigment.

(Russian), show-blacking.

cakes of pigment for drawing, that can be rubbed down with water.

the process of stopping out colours in calico-printing; rubbing thread with wax to strengthen it; polishing tables with bees-wax.

an annual herbaceous plant, the Reseda luteola, a native of Europe, the stemps and leaves of which dye yellow. The whole plant is cropped when in seed, at which time its dyeing power is greatest; and, after being simply dried, it is brought to marked.

a painter's negative colour; ceruse; the albumen of a n egg; a mark in a tar get for an arrow.

a carbonate of lead; a zinc paint; the painters' principal white colour.

a name in the United States for a colourer or white-washer.

an old name for sulphate of zinc.

a mixture of whiting, size, and water for whitening ceilings and walls; a slang term for getting rid of importunate creditors by passing through the Insolvent court.

ground chalk washed in alum-water, to cleanse it from sand and other impurities, and dried in lumps; it is used as a polishing amterial, and for making putty and white-wash. A small delicate sea-fish, the Merlangus vulgaris.

one who grinds and levigates chalk, and makes it up into small oblong cakes.

a dye plant, the Isatis tinctoria.

a person who dyes wool in the piece or in the yarn.

an operative who impresses patterns or colours on woollen or mixed fabrics.

a brick-red powder somewhat resembling dragon's-blood, collected from the seed-vessels of an euphorbiaceous tree, Rottlera tinctoria, and used in Eastern Africa and the East Indies, as a dye for silk, and also medicinally.

----------------- Supplement

Uva ursi,
the leaves of Arctostaphylos Uva ursi which are used in many places medicinally; in Russia, and by the Indias of North America, for tanning.

See Blacks in Dictionary.

a name for the medicinal root of Pareira medica, in Ceylon; a yellow dyestuff obtained in India from the dried leaves and roots of Menispermum fenestratum.

one who prepares wool for working up into faqbrics.

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