Colours obtained by Sir Isaac Newton's method of decomposing the rays of light, the least refrangible being placed first, the most refrangible last. See p. 18.
* Black, according to the theory of Newton, denotes the absence, and White the presence of all colours. SIMPLE COLOURS.
Blue, Yellow, Red, Black*.
Red includes Crimson, Scarlet, Maroon, Pink, &c.
Green is made with Blue and Yellow.
Orange with Red and Yellow.
Purple, Violet, Lilac with Blue and Red.
Greys with Black, Blue, and Red.
Olives with Blue, Yellow, and Black; or Blue, Yellow and Red.
The Dyer's Guide
Being a Compendium of the Art of Dyeing
Linen, Cotton, Silk, Wool, Muslin, Dresses, Furniture, &c. &c.
With The Method of
Scouring Wool, Bleaching Cotton, &c.
Directions for Ungumming Silk, And For Whitening And Sulphuring Silk And Wool.
And Also
An Inttroductory Epitome of The Leading Facts in Chemistry, As Connected With The Art of Dyeing.
By Thomas Packer,
Dyer and Practical Chemist.
"Cet arte est un des plus utiles et des plus merveilleux qu'on connoisse." -Chaptal.
"There is no art which depends so much on chemistry as dyeing." - Garnett.
Second Edition,
Corrected and Materially Improved.
Printed for Sherwood, Gilbert, And Piper,
To insist on the utility of the present Manual is, assuredly, superfluous. The favourable reception of the first edition, sometime since out of print, has stimulated the author to revise the work throughout, and to render it more deserving the public approbation. The Appendix to the first edition now forms a part of the Introductory Chapter , to which it naturally belongs; to the whole have been added such improvements as the present advanced state of knowledge, and particularly chemical knowledge, has rendered absolutely necessary; and which the practical dyer will find of considerable importance and much utility.
The following letter from the late Sir Humphry Davy, the first chemist of the age, appeared in the Preface to the first edition; it is here again reprinted as some proof of the sufficiency of that learned man's judgment, at least concerning the chemical theory of the art of dyeing.
No. 16, Berkeley Square,
June 18, 1823.
I am very much obliged to you for your liberal communication on a subject of my Lectures: I will attend to the information you are so good as to give me in the next Edition.
I am Sir,
Your obliged and obedient servant,
H. Davy.
Mr. T. Packer,
Stamford Street, Black-Friars Road.
The author has only to add, that an Index is now appended to the work, by which every article may be most readily and conveniently found.
London, Nov. 1829.
Page 22, line 3, for proximate read ultimate.
Chapter I.
On the different branches of dyeing — On the drugs used in dyeing — On vegetable and animal substances — On substantive and adjective colours, and mordants — And on the leading facts of chemical science as connected with the art of dyeing — On the calico printer's mordant for yellow and red, and on compound colours — On bleaching — On the theory of fast and fugitive colours — On dye-houses and water — Miscellaneous observations.
Chapter II.
To dye cotton a Saxon or chemic blue — Sulphate of Indigo — Saxon or chemic green — To set a cold indigo vat — Another Indigo vat — To dye cotton a fast green with the cold indigo vat and weld — Another cold blue vat for linen and cotton — solution of indigo for penciling printed muslin, &c. — To dye cotton a fast buff — To dye cotton pink
Chapter III.
To alum silk — The blue vat of indigo for silk — Another blue vat for silk — To dye silk violet, royal purple, &c. — To dye silk lilac — Another process for lilac — Another process for dyeing muslin, &c. lilac — To dye silk a violet or purple with logwood — To dye silk violet with Brazil-wood and logwood — To dye silk violet or purple with Brazil- wood and archil
Chapter IV.
On the action of alum and tartar upon wool — A pastil or woad vat for blue — To prepare the indigo mentioned in the preceding directions — Rules to judge of the state of the vat — Indications when a vat has had too much or too Uttle lime — To work a vat which is in proper order — On the putrefaction of the woad vat — Methods of dyeing blues — To dye wool with lac-dye, scarlet, or crimson — To dye worsted yarn a crimson — A preparation of archil to finish the crimson — on dyeing wool scarlet — To dye wool maroon — To dye wool yellow — To dye wool brown or of a fawn colour — To dye wool purple, &c. — To dye wool green — A chemic vat for green woollen — A chemic vat for blue woollen — To dye wool orange, gold colour, &c. — To dye wool black — Another process for black without a blue ground — To dye wool a grey — Mixture of black or grey with red and blue — On browns, fawns, greys, &c. — On the yellow of Quercitron bark — On a full bright yellow from the same bark — Bancroft's murio-sulphate of tin — To dye wool buff— To dye wool peach — To set an indigo vat for worsted, serge, &c.
Chapter V.
To dye silk black for velvets — To dye silk black London process — On dyeing cotton black at Rouen — To dye cotton black, London process — For dyeing black, particularly cotton velvets, at Manchester — On dyeing silk and cotton black with a blue ground — Another iron liquor — To dye cotton black by using the preceding solution — to dye cotton violet — To dye cotton red — To dye cotton an Adrianople or Turkey red — Miscellaneous observations relative to Adrianople red
Chapter VI.
To dye skein cotton yellow — On dyeing and re-dyeing cotton furniture yellow — to dye cotton skein a duck's wing green and olive — Of browns, maroons, coffee colours, &c. — Observations on silk — On un-gumming and boiling silk — Whitening — Sulphuring — On aluming silk — Skein silk for yellow — Preparation of annatto for aurora or orange, moidore, gold colour, and chamois — To dye silk aurora or orange — To dye moidore — Process for orange — To dye silk poppy or coquelicot — A cheaper poppy with annatto and Brazil wood — On dyeing silk a fine crimson — Composition for dyeing silks scarlet or crimson with cochineal — Another process for crimson — Another process for crimson by Brazil wood — Of fine violet — Observations on crimson and scarlet upon silk — On dyeing silk green — On olives — On dyeing silk grey — Nut grey — Black greys — Iron greys — On dyeing silk of a Prussian blue colour — Chromate of lead for yellow on silk or cotton — Conclusion
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