Coloriasto on väriaiheisten tekstien (ja kuvien) verkkoarkisto
(Archive for colour themed articles and images)
(2027) Bleaching Cotton.
The Manufacturer and Builder 2, 1878 The cause is darkness. If you expose them often to sunlight they will not turn yellow. When they beco...
(Mainosvihkonen) Valuable recipes for coloring from Apothecary Hall
Valuable recipes for coloring from Apothecary Hall H. D. Thatcher, proprietor, Potsdam, N. Y. Where all the material for coloring can be o...
Under den unmittelbaren Nutzen der Insekten. II. (Osa)
Under den unmittelbaren Nutzen der Insekten. Von dem Königl. Gerichtsamtmann Keferstein in Erfurt. Erfurt, in der Maring'schen Buchha...
Art. I. Sir G. Staunton's Account of the Embassy of China. (osia)
The Monthly Review, November 1797 [...] (s. 126-127) Several circumstances, independently of the arrival of strangers, contributed to...
The Manufacture of Glass. No. 2.
Scientific American 26, 15.3.1851 As the formation of glass is produced by the simple operation of fusing certain minerals together, it f...
J. Whichcord: On the antiquities of maidstone, and the polychromy of the middle ages.
The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, vol X. J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square. Lontoo, 1855 By J. Whichcord, Jun., Esq., F. S...