
Recent Patents. To Andrew Crosse [...] for improvements in tanning hides and skins, and also in dyeing fabrics and substances.

Recent Patents. To Andrew Crosse, of Gloucester-place, New-road, in the county of Middlesex, Gent., for improvements in tanning hides and skins, and also in dyeing fabrics and substances.*— [Sealed 24th May, 1849.]

The London Journal of Arts, Sciences, and Manufactures, and Repertory of Patent Inventions.

Conducted by Mr. W. Newton, of the Office for Patents, Chancery Lane. (Assisted by several Scientific Gentlemen.)

VOL. XXXVI. (Conjoined Series.)

London: Published by W. Newton, at the office for patents, 66, Chancerylane, and Manchester; t. and W. Piper, Paternoster Row; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Court; J. McCombe, Buchanan St., Glasgow; and Galinani's Library, Rue Vivienne,

Paris. 1850



* The patentee has, by means of a disclaimer, struck out the words "and also in dyeing fabrics and substances" from the title of his patent.
The first part of this invention consists in the application of hydrosulphuret of lime in the process of unhairing hides and skins, by causing the hides and skins to be moistened with and soaked in hydrosulphuret of lime (which is obtained by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through a mixture of lime and water), whereby the hair will be quickly loosened, and may then be removed in the ordinary manner.

The second part of the invention consists in a mode of obtaining strong tannin or other matter from bark, or other substance used in tanning or manufacturing hides and skins into leather. The pulverized or ground bark, or other substance, is first permitted to absorb so much water as may serve to dissolve or set loose the tannin principle or other matter held within the bark or other substance; and then it is subjected to powerful pressure, by means of an hydraulic press or other suitable mechanical apparatus, which causes it to emit an ooze or tanning liquid of a strong kind, i. e., with out so great an admixture of water as may be found in tanning liquid produced by the ordinary method of immersing and soaking the bark or other substance in pits. The improved process is to be repeated upon the same bark or other substance until it no longer contains any tannin or useful matter.

The third part of the invention consists in obtaining electric or galvanic effects in the pits or vessels in which hides and skins undergo the process of tanning. On one side of the pit or vessel is placed a plate of lead, and on the other side a plate of zinc (the plates covering the sides of the pit or vessel); and the two plates are connected together at the upper parts of the same, above the tanning liquid, by means of a strap of either of those metals. The hides or skins, after being unhaired, are suspended in the pit or vessel, which is to be filled with water; the water is allowed to remain therein for three or four days, and then it is either to be removed or else converted into tanning liquor by the addition of bark or other suitable matter; or, the water having been removed, the pit is to be filled with tanning liquor, which is to be kept at the strength of about fifteen degrees of a saccharometer for the first week, and after that the strength is to be increased at the rate of six degrees per week, until a strength of about forty-six degrees is indicated, which is to be maintained until the completion of the tanning process. The patentee says that he does not confine himself to the strengths of the tanning liquor, nor the progressive increase of the strengths above mentioned; and he states that the means of obtaining the requisite electric or galvanic effects in the pit or vessel may be varied.

The patentee claims, as his improvements in tanning hides and skins, Firstly,—the subjecting hides or skins to the action of hydrosulphuret of lime. Secondly,—the improved mode of producing tanning liquid. Thirdly,—the employ ment of means to obtain electric or galvanic effects in the pits or vessels in which hides or skins are under process of tanning.— [Inrolled November, 1849.]

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