
Multi-Color Printing Press.

The Manufacturer and Builder 2, 1881

A multi-color printing press was exhibited at the late fair of the American Institute, which in a very satisfactory manner performed the task of printing, with a single form and at a single impression, a number of colors. This has always been looked upon as a great desideratum, and many attempts to devise a practical multi-color press have been made. In the present case, the peculiarity of the press resides in the special construction of the inking table, which, instead of consisting of a single piece, is composed of a number of cast-iron plates held in a frame. The various colored inks are contained in a suitable trough divided into a number of cells. A metallic frame, which can be properly adjusted, is placed upon the trough to prevent the inks from mixing. The different inks are spread upon the plates in the usual manner by inking rollers, arranged to run perfectly straight, and the distribution is assisted by the peculiar construction of the paltes, which permits them to have a slight lateral movement at each revolution of the press. The press can be used at pleasure for single or multi-color work, by removing the ordinary inking table and substituting the sectional table in its place.

With this machine a demi-octavo prospectus may be readily printed in eight colors at a single impression, each color being clear and distinct from the others, for the rollers, moving at right angles with the xis of the press, the inks do not mix, and the plates may be brought as near together as may be required for the work in hand. This system of multi-color tables may be applied to a variety of presses: and it is confidently anticipated, when its merits become known, that it will come into very general use. For printing circulars, advertisements, bills of face and the like, the method specially recommends itself.

It is obvious that with this system of multi-color printing the expense is reduced to the minimum, the only difference in this respect between it and the common method being the extra cost of the inks. We have seen a number of samples or color-work executed upon the Bacon press (as it is called), which fully bear out the claims made for it. Further information will be given by Mr. T. Sarony-Lambert, Room 5, Bennett Building, this city.

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