Coloriasto on väriaiheisten tekstien (ja kuvien) verkkoarkisto
(Archive for colour themed articles and images)
Nytt förfaringssätt för tillvärkning af sedelmynt.
Naturen 8, 15.4.1893 En tysk fysiker, hr Bibra, har nyligen föreslagit bayerska regeringen att vid tillvärkningen af banksedlar tillämpa f...
Om ortokromatisk fotografering och dess användning för afbildande af föremål i naturliga färger.
Naturen 8, 15.4.1893 (Föredrag hållet i Fysiska föreningen i Helsingfors den 24 mars 1893) Af Daniel Nyblin. Fotografin - konsten att ...
The Columbian Inkstand (mainos)
(Scribner's magazine 1892)
Dixon's Silica Graphite Paint (mainos)
(Scribner's magazine 1892)
Neuwo willojen menettämisestä.
Sanomia Tampereelta 26, 25.6.1866 Meillä oli wiimes wuonna Turuun Sanomissa lähetetty neuwo miten willoja pestään ja niiden kanssa menetetää...
Oil-Colors Upon Silk or Satin.
Scribners monthly 3, 1881 In using oil paints with silk or satin, begin by squeezing out the tube colors on blotting-paper, which will absor...
Punaisesta lumesta ja epäluulosta.*)
Tapio 19, 11.5.1861 *) Tätä kirjoittaan siitä syystä, kuin Karjalan puolella on tänä wuonna satanut punaista lunta josta on monen muotoisia ...
Shipman's Spiral-Feed Fountain Pen (mainos)
(Scribner's magazine 1892)
Dixon's Graphite Paint (mainos)
(Scribner's magazine 1892)
Louis Hermsdorf Dyer - Fast Black (mainos)
(Scribner's magazine 1892)
Luonnon ystävä 4, 1909 a. keräili Kuhmoisista kesällä 1909 Anna Hagelin. Achillea millefolium, pientarekukka. - Kukista keitetään ...
Lycaena-perhos-suvun sininen väri ja sukupuolivalinta.
Luonnon ystävä 4, 1909 Harry Federlay. Darwinin sukupuolivalintaoppi on, kuten tunnettu, herättänyt lukuisia väitteitä eläintieteellises...
Imperial Hair Regenerator (mainos)
(Scribner's magazine 1893)
Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen (mainos)
(Scribner's magazine 1893)
Paints made of Copper. Utilizing Waste - Precautions Against Poisoning.
Manufacturer and builder 9, 1871 When speaking of the so-called Neuwider green, it was mentioned that, by its manufacture, liquids are left ...
Paints made of Copper. Some Practical Hints in Regard to the Economy and Details in Their Manufacture.
Manufacturer and builder 8, 1871 In some localities it is more economical to use the common sodic sulphate (Glauber's-salt) in place of ...
Paints Made of Copper. Manufacture of Paris or Emerald Green from Blue Vitriol.
Manufacturer and builder 6, 1871 In certain localities, a blue vitriol free from iron, and also vinegar, acetate of lime, or acetate of soda...
Paints Made of Copper. Schweinfurter green.
Manufacturer and builder 5, 1871 The pure Schweinfurter green consists of 32 parts of oxide of copper, 60 parts of arsenious acid, and 10 of...
Paints made of Copper. Mountain Green and Blue, (Berg Green). Neuwieder Green, Neuwieder Blue.
Manufacturer and builder Volume 4, 1871 We have mentioned, on page 142 of our second volume, that the minerals malachite and lazulite are be...
Paints Made of Copper. Mineral green, Paris Green, or Emerald Green.
Manufacturer and builder 3, 1871 There is a class of bright green paints in the trade, which are all a combination of copper and arsenic, wi...
Paints Made of Copper. Chlor Copper Oxide. Braunschweiger green.
Manufacturer and builder Volume 2, 1871 Chlor Copper Oxide There aro different compounds of chloride of copper and oxide of copper, or cupr...
Paints Made of Copper. - Distilled Verdigris.
Manufacturer and builder 1, 1871 The so-called distilled, or rather crystallized, verdigris was formerly produced in France, but now also in...
Town and Country Paint (mainos)
(Scribner's magazine 1893)
Tupakka ja sen käytäntö seurauksineen.
Kylväjä 11, 14.3.1907 (Jatkoa 4:teen n:oon.) IV. Tupakan waikutus terweyteen. edellä jo mainittiin, että tupakka waikuttaa myöskin haitallis...
Black Oxide of Manganese.
Scientific American 13, 22.9.1866 Messrs. Editors: - In answer to "E. H. L. of Mo," in last week's Scientific American, we wou...
Printing of Woven Fabrics.
Scientific American 13, 22.9.1866 Popular appregension usually confines the application of the "art preservative" to the multiplic...