MOSAIC GOLD. For the composition of this peculiar alloy of copper and zinc, called also Or-molu, Messrs. Parker and Hamilton obtained a patent in November, 1925. Equal quantities of copper and zinc are to be "melted at the lowest temperature that copper will fuse," which being stirred together so as to produce a perfect admixture of the metals, a further quantity of zinc is added in small portions, until the alloy in the melting pot becomes of the colour required. If the temperature of the copper be to high, a portion of the zinc will fly off in vapor, and the result will be merely spelter or hard solder; but if the operation be carried on at as low a heat as possible, the alloy will assume first a brassy yellow color; then, by the introduction of small portions of zinc, it will take a purple or violet hue, and will ultimately become perfectly white; which the appearance of the proper compound in its fused state. This alloy may be poured into ingots; but as it is difficult to preserve its character when re-melted, it should be cast directly into the figured moulds. The patentees claim the exclusive right of compounding a metal consisting of from 52 to 55 parts of zinc out of 100.
Mosaic gold, the aurum musicum of the old chemists, is a sulphuret of tin.
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