
A Dictionary of Arts: Liqueurs, liquoriste.

A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines; containing A Clear Exposition of Their Principles and Practice

by Andrew Ure, M. D.;
F. R. S. M. G. S. Lond.: M. Acad. M. S. Philad.; S. PH. DOC. N. GERM. Ranow.; Mulh. Etc. Etc.

Illustrated with nearly fifteen hundred engravings on wood
Eleventh American, From The Last London Edition.
To which is appended, a Supplement of Recent Improvements to The Present Time.

New York: D Appleton & company, 200 Broadway. Philadelphia: George S. Appleton, 148 Chestnut St.


LIQUEURS, LIQUORISTE; names given by the French to liquors compounded of alcohol, water, sugar, and different aromatic substances; and to the person who compounds them. I shall insert here a few of their most approved recipes.

Infusion of the peels of fruits. - The outer skin pared off with a sharp knife, is to be dropped into a hard glazed jar, containing alcohol of 34°B., diluted with half its bulk of water, and the whole is to be transferred into well-corked carboys. After an infusion of six weeks, with occasional agitation, the aromatized spirit is to be distilled off. In this way are prepared the liquors of cedrat, lemons, oranges, limettes (a sort of sweet lemon) poncires (the large citron), bergamots, &c.

Infusion of aromatic seeds. - These must be pounded put into a carboy, along with alcohol diluted as above, infused with agitation for six weeks, and then distilled.

Infusions of aromatic woods are made in the same way.

The liquorist should not bring his infusions and tinctures into the market till six months after their distillation.

Liqueurs have different titles, according to their mode of fabrication.

Thus waters are liquors apparently devoid of viscidity; creams and oils possess it in a high degree.

Water of cedrat is made by dissolving six pounds of sugar in seven quarts of water; adding two quarts of spirit of cedrat, and one of spirit of citron. Boil the whole for a minute, and filter hot through a proper bag. Set it for a considerable time aside in a corked carboy, before it be bottled .

Oil or cream of cedrat. - Take eight quarts of river water, two of spirit of cedrat, one of spirit of citron, and as much rich syrup as is necessary to give the mixture an oily consistence. Stir it well and set it aside in carboys. Should it be at all clouded, it must be filtered till it be perfectly pellucid.

Balm of Molucca, is made by infusing for ten days, in a carboy capable of holding fully four gallons, 10 pounds of spirits of 18°B., 4 pounds of white sugar, 4 pounds of river water, 4 drachms of pounded cloves, and 48 grains of pounded mace. The mixture is to be shaken 3 or 4 times daily, coloured with caramel (burnt sugar), filtered at the end of ten days, and set aside in bottles.

Tears of the widow of Malabar, are compounded with the preceding quantity of spirits, sugar, and water, adding 4 drachms of ground cinnamon, 48 grains of cloves, and a like quantity of mace, both in powder. It may be slightly coloured with caramel.

The delight of the Mandarins. - Take spirit, sugar, and water, as above, adding 4 drachms of anisum Chinæ (Gingi), as much ambrette (seeds of the hibiscus abelmoschus, Lin.) all in powder; 2 drachms of safflower.

The sighs of love. - Take spirits, water, and sugar, as above. Perfume with essence (otto) of roses; give a very pale pink hue with tincture of cochineal, filter and bottle up.

Crime de macarons. - Add to the spirit, sugar, and water, as above, half a pound of bitter almonds, blanched and pounded; cloves, cinnamon, and mace in powder, of each 48 grains. A violet tint is given by the tinctures of turnsole and cochineal.

Curaçoa. - Put into a large bottle nearly full of alcohol of trente-six (34° Baumé), the peels of six smooth Portugal oranges, (Seville?) and let them infuse for 15 days; then put into a carboy 10 pounds of spirits of 18°B., 4 pounds of white sugar and 4 pounds of river water. When the sugar is dissolved, add a sufficient quantity of the orange zestes to give flavour, then spice the whole with 48 grains of cinnamon, and as much mace, both in powder. Lastly introduce an ounce of ground Brazil wood, and infuse during 10 days, agitating 3 or 4 times daily. A pretty deep hue ought to be given with caramel .

Swiss extract of wormwood, is compounded as follows: -
Tops of the absinthium majus 4 pounds;
Ditto, absinthium minus 2 pounds;
Roots of angelica, | of each a few grains at pleasure;
Calamus aromaticus, | -"-
Seeds of the anisum Chinæ | -"-
Leaves of the dittany of Crete, |-"-
Alcohol of 20 B four gallons Imp.
Macerate these substances during eight days, then distil by a gentle fire; draw off two gallons of spirits, and add to it 2 drachms of essential oil of anise-seed. The two gallons left in the still serve for preparing the vulnerary spirituous water.

Of colouring the liqueurs.

Yellow is given with the yellow colouring matter of safflower (carthamus,) which is readily extracted by water.

Fawn is given by caramel, made by heating ground white sugar in an iron spoon over a charcoal fire, till it assumes the desired tint, and then pouring it into a little cold water.

Red is given by cochineal alone, or with a little alum.

Violet is given by good litmus (turnsole).

Blue and green. - Sulphate of indigo gives the first. After saturating it nearly with chalk, alcohol being digested upon it, becomes blue. This tincture mixed with that of carthamus forms a good green.

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