
Water-proof Paint.

Scientific American 15, 7.4.1866

An article in the nature of paint, yet combining more of the preservative and less of the flaky nature of the common lead and oil preparation, was long a great desideratum among mechanics and builders in every line. Our European and coasting steamers, as well as shipping of every description, require expensive outlays at either port of entry, in repainting smoke stacks, boilers, rigging and hull. Among shipmasters and builders, tin, zinc, wood, leather and iron manufacturers, the prime object has been to secure a paint impervious to water, and durable against sea atmospheres and the wear of ordinary use and exposure. C. M. Spooner & Co., of 105 Fulton st., Boston, Mass., have lately perfected one of the best preparations for the above-named practical purposes, in the market, and is adaptability to an almost endless variet of manufactures, warrants a further mention and commendation of it to our readers. The article is known to the trade as the "elastic black varnish paint," which, unlike varnishes, contains no coal tar, and at the same time yields an even and rich luster, with a body of treble the consistency of ordinary black paint. For painting iron which is to be expoeed to heat or the weather, such as boilers and chimney tops, radiators, railings and steam pipes, this black-varnish paint is peculiarly well compounded, since the warmth or atmosphere neither causes it to emit the nauseating odor of benzine, so often arising from newly heated radiators, nor scale off and corrode. It is also a baking varnish and possesses the two-fold advantage of its paint and japan nature, over common varnish. The factory of the firm is located at Edgeworth; and thence it passes into the market under brands suited to its different customers. We notice that in the report of the committee of Mechanics' Association Fair, lately held here, this paint was especially mentioned as one of the best substitutes for ordinary lead, oil, or tar applications, and in indorsement of that opinion, a medal and diploma were granted its manufacturers.

Commercial Bulletin, Boston.

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