
Dictionarium polygraphicum. To tinge Glass of a deep red. To make a peach colour in Glass. To make a gold yellow in glass.

Dictionarium Polygraphicum:
Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested.
Vol I.
London: Printed for C. Hitch and C. Davis in Pater-noster Row, and S. Austen in St. Paul's Church Yard. MDCCXXXV.
To tinge Glass of a deep red.
Opake colours have a body, but the transparent ones none; for which reason this deep red must be mix'd with matters that give it one, as shall be shewn.
Take twenty pounds of crystal frit, one pound of pieces of white glass, and two pounds of calcin'd tin; mix the whole well together, and put it into a pot, and set it in a furnace that it may purify.
When it is melted, cast in an ounce of calcin'd steel well pounded, and an ounce of scales of iron from the anvil well pulveriz'd and mixt together, and keep stirring the glass well with an iron stirrer, while you are putting in the powder, to hinder it from rising too much.
You must take care not to put in too much of the powder, for that would make the glass black, whereas it ought to be clear, shining, and of an obscure yellow colour.
Then take about six drams of calcin’d copper prepar’d, cast it upon the melted glass, often mixing it two, three or four times, and the glass will be as red as blood.
If the colour be as you would have it, you must work it off presently, for fear it should turn black, and the colour be lost, of which great care must taken.
But if notwithstanding this the colour comes to be lost, you must add more scales of iron in powder, and it will return.

To make a PEACH colour in GLASS.

To make this colour, which is a very agreeable one, take glass prepar'd and ting'd of a milk white, and when it is in good fusion, put in some manganese of Piedmont prepar’d, and that by little and little, stirring the matter well at each time, till the colour becomes as fine and perfect as you define it; but you must work the glass in time, otherwise the colour will be lost; but by so doing, you will have a very fair peach-colour.

To make a GOLD yellow in GLASS.
Gold colour being one of the most noble and finest we can make, by reason of its imitating the most perfect metal in na ture, must be made with the purest materials and greatest precaution.
Take two parts of crystal frit, made with tarso, and not with sand, which is not so good, and one part of frit compos'd of two thirds of tarso, and one third of fine salt of polverine prepar’d; pound and mix them well, and to each fifty pounds of this composition, add half a pound of tartar purified, pounded, and searced fine, and half a pound of manganese of Piedmont prepar’d, mixing these powders well with the two frits, because you must not cast them on the melted glass as in other colours. Then put the whole by little and little into a pot, and set them in a furnace, in which let them stand at an ordinary fire four days, for fear the Glass rising should run over.
When that matter is well purified, you may use it for making vessels, and what other works you please, which will be of a fair colour.
If you would have the colour yet clearer, you must add more powder, and you will have a very fine golden colour.
If you would have it yet finer, take fine crystal frit made of polverine of rochetta, and the golden colour will be yet more fair.

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