
Dictionarium polygraphicum. Green for silks.

Dictionarium Polygraphicum:
Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested.
Vol I.
London: Printed for C. Hitch and C. Davis in Pater-noster Row, and S. Austen in St. Paul's Church Yard. MDCCXXXV.
For every pound of silk take a quarter of a pound of English allum, two ounces of white wine tartar beaten small, dissolve them together in hot water, then put in the silk, letting it lie a whole night, then take it out and dry it; having done this, take a pound of broom, boil it in a pail and a half of water for an hour or better, then take out the broom and throw it away, and put in half an ounce of beaten verdegrease stirring it about with a stick; then put in the silk for a quarter of an hour, take it out and let it lie till it is cold; then put in one ounce of pot-ashes, stir them about and put in the silk again, keep it there till you think it is yellow enough, then rinse it out and let it dry; after which put it into the blue dye fat or copper, and let it remain there till it becomes Green and dark enough; then take it out and you will have a good Green, to be beaten and dry’d.
You may let it lie a longer or less while in the dye according as you would have the Green lighter or darker; for at first you will have but a faint Green.

First dye your silk a pretty deep straw colour, rinse it clean and wring it close together with sticks; and then put about fifteen or twenty handfuls of skains into the blue dye copper; though you must take care that the strength of the dye be proportioned to the quantity of silk; and that you do not put in too many skains at once.
When it has boil'd enough take the kettle off, and let it stand for an hour; after which time you may work it again, and do the same every hour, allowing the same interval; but you must be very careful that one handful does not lie longer in than another, and when it is taken out of the copper, let it be very well cool’d, rins'd and strongly wrung with sticks, and af terwards dry’d.

To dye parrot or parroquet GREEN.
This being something lighter than the other, must be boil'd in weaker suds than the other, and as soon as it is dyed, must be wrung and dry'd as the other.

To dye green finch or canary bird GREEN.
This must be dyed as the Green; but you ought to add a little Provence wood to the last suds, according to the quantity of the silk; after which it must be boil'd in the blue copper, wrung out and rinsed.

To dye olive GREEN.
This also must be dyed as the Green, only the last suds must be encourag’d with a little Provence wood suds, till it is deep enough; then wring it out, &c. as above.

To dye a celadon or celandine GREEN.
This colour being very light and bright, must be dyed as the sea Green, and boil'd in weak suds, and managed as the Green, and dry'd.

To dye a sea GREEN.
This colour also being very light, must be perform'd as the lemon colour, and thrown into blue suds, then wrung out and dry’d.

Another sea GREEN.
For every pound of silk take three ounces of verdegrease pounded small, put it into good wine or sharp vinegar to dissolve, let it lie a whole night in it, in the morning set it over the fire and make it hot, stirring it about with a stick; and then put in the silk, (but take care not to let it boil) and let it remain two hours, or one, or half an hour according as you would have the colour a deep, middling or light Green; then put some boiling hot water into a fat or tub, to which add half an ounce or an ounce of soap, and make a lather; when it froths it is ready; then hand the silks in it, let them drop afterwards, and rinse them in river water, beat them very well, and dry them.

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