
From black to blond (mainos)

The Exact Color You Want Without Possible Injury
The reliable and thorough efficiency of
Schefflers Instantaneous Hair Colorine
have been conclusively proved millions of times in the third of a century it has been in use. Now universally acknowledged safest, speedlest and surest means of btaining the precise shade of hair preferred. Gives true to nature coloring - not the slightest suggestion of artificiality. Positively cannot harm the hair. Convenient to use. Perfect results certain.

Eight shades - from black to blonde.
Price only $1.00 per box.
Sold by leading Gair Dressers, Druggists and Department Stores.
If your Local Dealer won't supply you, order direct from us.

832-34 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Sales Agents and Distributors.

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