
A new whitewash for walls

Scientific American, 25.11.1869 A new whitewash for walls , recommended by the Boston Journal of Chemistry , is as follows: Soak one fourth...

The spectroscope and aurora borealis
Daniel Enode Winder

Scientific American, 25.11.1869 For the Scientific American. In a report of the proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society, published i...

Maalaaminen ja taloudenhoito.

Lalli 60, 5.6.1923 Maalaaminen lienee näinä päiwinä mielenkiintoinen kysymys useimmille ja sen wuoksi on ehkä syytä tarkastella erilaisia ...


New Inventions. Tan.

The New Monthly Magazine 12, 1820 Mr.Sheldan, of Springfield in North America, affirms, he has discovered that the bark of the sweet chesn...

New Inventions. Copper-plate Printing.

The New Monthly Magazine 10, 1820 The following is from the report of the Central Jury, on the productions of French industry exhibited i...

New Inventions. Dyeing Cloth in the Piece.

The New Monthly Magazine 10, 1820 It is universally known, that when cloth is dyed in the piece, the colour only fixes itself on the two s...

New Patents; for an Improvement in the Method or Form of making up superfine Oil and Water Colours

The New Monthly Magazine 7, 1820 Charles Smith, of Piccadilly, in the County of Middleser, superfine Colour manufacturer; for an Improveme...

Heikki Väänänen: Mehiläisten aistifysiologiasta.

Luonnon ystävä 5, 1926 Hyönteissuosijan kasvin kukan rakenteessa ja pölyytyksestä huolehtivan hyönteisen ominaisuuksissa on havaittavissa l...

Ulesote — A New Metallic Paint.

Manufacturer and builder 4, 1885 We have lately had brought to our notice a new paint pigment, for which exceptional merits for a variety o...

Vähemmän myrkyllisten maali-ja väriaineiden kaupasta

Maakauppias 10, 31.5.1915 Kuten tunnettua, saa asetuksen mukaan helmikuun 14 p:ltä 1888 kuvernöörin erikoisluvalla pitää kauppapuodissa kau...

Great American Industries. VIII.
A Piece of Glass.

Harper's new monthly magazine 470, heinäkuu 1889 (Tekstiin lisätty kappaleita lukemisen helpottamiseksi. // Some paragraphs added to t...