
[383] Gold Bronze on Furniture.

Manufacturer and Builder ?, 1872

Our contemporary, the Cabinet Maker, published in Boston, denies what we stated on page 144 of this volume, that gilded lines on furniture may be produced by bronze powder, and he gives for this purpose the ordinary method as followed in gilding picture-frames and moldings, consisting of planing the wood, giving three or four coats of whiting and size, rubbing after each coat, etc., then the gilding clay and chrome-yellow, then the gilding coat, then, when dry, the oil-gold size, then gilding with gold-leaf, then size again. It is evident that he either did not understand the nature of the query, or that he is behind the age in the tricks of his own trade. Our inquirer specified, "I mean the gilded lines with which it is now the fashion to fill the hollows of the ornamental carvings." How Cab. Mak. will treat these fine hollow lines with planing down, then with four coats of whiting and size, gilding clay, chrome-yellow, etc., and at last the gold-leaf, and sizing afterward, we would like to see. For his information we will state that he can buy in the large paint stores, for $1, a small bottle of varnish, with one of bisulphide of tin, and printed instructions how to gild with them, all imported from England, and manufactured by H. Bessemer & Co., and that we ourselves have used them, and know that it is the common way in which ornamental imitation gold lines are applied to ordinary furniture. Of course gold-leaf may be used also, and is used on the expensive kinds of furniture, but in the case in question it could not possibly be applied in the way described in the Cabinet Maker. The gold-leaf has to be rubbed fine with honey, till it is reduced to a powder, then the honey washed out with water, dried, and introduced into the curved lines by means of a fine brush and varnish, in the same way as bronze-powder is treated.

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