
Non-Poisonous Silicate Paint, a Remedy for Damp Walls

Manufacturer and builder 4, 1878

An English concern, the Silicate Feint Co., have for pears been engaged in rmenufacturing n coloring medium free from the diesel vintage of lead paints, but as easily worked, and produeing a better result. The base of this material is silica in the form of an impalpable powder, end obtained from a deposit in North Wale, England. The bed has a thickness of several feet and the product has been analyzed by several chemists, including prof. Flageolet, who considers it the result of a levigation. He gives the following analysis:
Silex ..... 79
Water ..... 13
Oxid of Iron ..... 8
Alumina ..... 4
Magnesium ..... 1

The material, after being excavated, is washed in water, which holds theftine material in suspension; this is then allowed to deposit and dry, when it is brilliently white. Before being used in the production of paint the water is driven out by heat, so that it becomes nearly pure silica, which freely mixes with the pigments and oils, and is worked with the greatest ease.

The silicate paint has many advantages over other kinds, as it is non-poisonous; it will not discolor under any circumstances, not even in the fumes of sulphuretted hydrogen or sewer gas; it withstands 500 degrees of heat; its covering powers are claimed to be doable those of lead paints; while from its very nature it can have no chemical action upon metals. This silicate white paint can be stained to produce tints of the most delicate colors, exactly as white lead is stained; it is preferable not to use any preparation of lead, copper, or arsenic; the ordinary stains, ocher, umber, Venetian red, and black etc., may be used without in the slightest degree affecting its durability.

Petrifying liquid or solution of silica.

Another very important specialty of the Silicate Paint Co, is their petrifying liquid or solution of silica, for the curing of damp buildings and the preservation of stone, brick, plaster, cement, or new wood, and for protecting these from the efforts of atmospheric influence, and arresting decay. This preparation is claimed to be a most effective, thimble, and economical wallcovering as a washable distemper or waterpaint for the walls of corridors, staircawe, wards, etc., of hospitals, asylums, prisons, workhouses, and other public buildings, forming a marble-like washable surface, which is quite uineffected by disinfectants, thus presenting great facilities for the adoption of sanitary precautions. It is susceptible of the highest artistic treatment in all mural decorations, and moreover we are informed that this liquid has the property of hardening and renderleg impervious to water a11 kinds of brick, cement, stucco, and masonry. It can he supplied either transparent, white, brick, stone, or red, and any shade of color can be made to order for quantities of not less then five cwt. When we consider the nature of the mortar and cement of our very old buildings, we find that the cement is as hard as the stone or brickwork, and even harder; this is the work of time. The silica of the sand has combined in the course of years with the lime and formed a silicate of lime. The endeavors of the inventors of the new petrifying liquid has been to outstrip lime, and effect in a few days what has hitherto required centuries. This solution of silica petrifies the surface of stone, etc., thereby doing away with the effects of their porous nature, prevents the masonry from chipping with the frost, supplies a good subetratum for subsequent oil-painting, protects against the destructive influence of the atmosphere and the changes of temperature, and gives a beautiful appearance; but the principal and most notable feature is its petrifying quality, which causes it to stand out with prominence amongst all inventions of the kind.

The uses to which this fluid silica can be applied are extremely numerous, and it is this general application that makes it so invaluable; for instance, buildings on the seaside, if coated with this solution, it is claimed, stand the wind and the rain without any moisture being absorbed into the interior of the building, and a single coating to be as effective as to obviate the neceseity of painting every three years, as the paint lasts twice as long when laid on a sutrace previously prepared with the silicous fluid. The color retains its brilliancy for a great length of time, only requiring occasional washing. Again, the solution of silica, when used on newly-plastered walls, renders them at once fit for papering, protecting in every way the delicate coloring of the paper. If applied externally, the plaster will be found to become quite se durable and far better looking than cement. On cottage walls it can be applied instead of distemper coloring or white-wash, having besides the advantage of not rubbing off. The field can be applied by any ordinery workman, at all seasons and in all weathers {except frosty), for inside and outside work. It penetrates every pore of the brickwork, and is claimed to petrify and hermetically seal the outer surface, and thereby to shut out the action of the air and rain, and also to prevent all vegetable furring or the growth of moss and fungi. The silicate paints and the silicate solution work admirably together, and give a highly finished appearance as the silicous fluid so completely turns the wet. It is well suited for churches, seaside residences, hospitals, factories, warehouses, public buildings, monuments, tombstones, etc., and all structures liable to be externally effected by atmospheric influences. One cwt will cover from 120 to 150 square yards, three coats. If applied on brick or stone floor, it prevents the damp from rising.

The Silicate Enamel Paint, also manufactured by the Silicate Paint Co. is sent out ready for use, and is applied the some as ordistry paints. It is claimed to render damp buildings, waterproof; it is also good for enamelling walls, ironwork, baths, etc., for paintings ships, porous tile roofs, concrete blocks, walls of dwelling houses, etc., this paint forms a hard enemelled surface, and thoroughly prevents the oxidation or corrosion of metals, and hermetically closes the pores of brick, wood, tile, stone, content, concrete, and other porous materials. It is claimed to prevent the penetration of moisture, however copious, when applied to the walls or foundations of dwelling houses, railway arches, bridges, tunnels, viaducts, and other structures of brick, plaster, wood, etc. It is invaluable for porous tile roofs., alse for shingle roofs in hot climates. It dries with a hard, rich glossy, enamel-like surface, and is for more lasting than any paint. It is a splendid paint also for internal decorative purposes, such aa for walls of houses, offices, etc., and will wash like a piece of china. Mr. F. E. Thicke, the eminent architect, has drawn public attention in a lecture at the Society of Art, London, to the fact that one coat of enamel paint, succeeding a coat of silicate paint on a surface previously treated with one coat of petrifying liquid, gives asmirable result, with the merit of speedy execution — a point often of considerable importance. It is a paint that can be used over tar or felt. Cemented or brick cisterns can be painted with it to prevent leakage, to it will not taint the water in the least. Any other paint can be used over it, or it can be applied over ordinary paint. Hot or cold water has little or no effect upon the enamel; it will also withstand dilute acids. It will be found highly useful for protecting wood-work, such as beams in houses, wooden ships, railway sleepers, etc., and it is also admirably adepted for iron ships, also for the inside, in place of cement, thereby moving immensely in weight, ingreasing the buoyancy, and preventing the metal from oxidation. It is claimed to prevent the damp penetrating the gable ends and walls of homes, however exposed, by filling up the pores and forming a hard, glazed surface. The enamelling paint is also admirably adapted for the protection of iron ships engaged in the salt-carrying trade, recent experiments having demonstrated that the enamel is not affected by chlorid of sodium, (common salt). Iron treated with one coat of this paint was expoeed in the upon air for month, in contact with salt, and watered at frequent intervals. After a considerable time had elapsed, the iron wan removed and examined, when both the metal and the paint were found to be in the same condition as when first applied. Previous to the discovery, iron vessels, in order to be fit for a cargo of salt, had always to he cemented internally, at great cost, with loss of space and increase of dead weight.

We could continue to expatiate on the preparation, but we prefer to recommend our readers to apply to the sole Agent for the United States, at No. 10 Pine street, New York.

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