
A Hint for New Calico and Paper Patterns.

Manufacturer and builder 1, 1872

Some years ago, we made experiments in ornamenting glass-panes by an imitation of the frost-crystals which, in winter, form by the slow deposit of watery vaport, and appear in the shape of beautiful leaves and flowers on our windows. A saturated solution of sulphate of zinc or magnesia (Epsom salts) applied to a glass pane, either with a brush or by pouring, as is done by photographers with the collodion, forms the very same designs as the freezing or watery vapor; for the simple reason that the crystals belong to the same system, and any salt belonging to this system will produce the same result. Other salts produce other styles of ornamentation; but the above.named are the most beautiful. In order to cause the crystals to adhere better among themselves and to the glass, it is well to dissolve the salts in beer and to add some gum or dextrine. We obtained most beautiful ornamentations by colour the solution with indigo, carmine, aniline color, or any other soluble coloring or dyeing material. It appears that Kuhlman has made a more practical application of this method by forming the crystals on a strong, flat surface, or on a metallic roller, and then, by means of powerdul pressure, transferring them into soft lead; on which, then, by electrotyping, a plate or roller may be obtained identical with the original.

We suggest that wax may be substituted advantageously for the lead; then, after covering it with black-lead, it receives the copper deposit by electro-plating as well as the lead, and even better. Such plates and rollers may then be used for the printing of ornamental paper, wall-paper, and even for the printing of cotton stuffs, as muslins, etc., and produce a style of new patters different from these obtained by the kaleidoscope and Duboscope, which, with all their variety, have necessarily the monotonous property of being always star-shaped; one part constantly repeating all the others.

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