Coloriasto on väriaiheisten tekstien (ja kuvien) verkkoarkisto
(Archive for colour themed articles and images)
Lead Poisoning and Death by the Use of a Hair Preparation
Manufacturer and builder 8, 1873 The Annales de la Sociètè de mèdicine de Gand (Belgium) relates the case of Mr. R. W. -, aged fifty-five, ...
Maailmojen synnystä.
Suomen kuvalehti 7, 1894 Kirjoittanut K. Alb. Heikel. (Jatkoa edelliseen numeroon.) Mutta ei tämä yleinen aineen ominaisuus ole ainoa yh...
Luminous paint.
Manufacturer and builder 12, 1882 The introduction at this time of luminous paint is not the result of any recent discoveries or improvement...
Notes & Queries. (1896) Black Brick and Black Mortar. (vastaus)
The Manufacturer and Builder 8, 1877 Brick becomes black through the process of baking when the brick clay has been mixed with either the pr...
Notes & Queries. (1892) Magic Pictures. (vastaus)
The Manufacturer and Builder 8, 1877 These pictures are nothing but a very ingenious application of the properties of the salts of nickel an...
Notes & Queries. (1891) Writing Secrets on Postal-Cards. (vastaus)
The Manufacturer and Builder 8, 1877 Nothing is easier than to send secret messages on postal cards, by using what is called "sympathet...
Notes & Queries. (1888) Staining vs. Painting. (vastaus)
The Manufacturer and Builder 8, 1877 Staining, if well done, is incomparably finer and richer than paint, which always gives a coarse look,...
Notes & Queries. (1885) Colored Flames. (vastaus)
The Manufacturer and Builder 8, 1877 Alcohol is the best. Mix it with a strong solution of strontium nitrate, and it will burn with a red fl...
Punamultatehdasta laatii Pitkärannan kuparitehtaan hallitus...
Wiipurin Sanomat 162, 17.7.1888 Punamultatehdasta laatii Pitkärannan kuparitehtaan hallitus paraikaa Onkamon kylään, Kiihtelyswaaran ja Tohm...
Uusi Kuvalehti 13, 15.7.1898 On tunnettu tosiasia, että moni ihminen määrättyjen sävelten yhteydessä kokee värihavaintoa, ja että sen ohes...
Hesselius: Berättelse Om Tvänne slags Torf...
Berättelse Om Tvänne slags Torf, hvaraf den ena, då han brännes, gifver en gul aska, thenlig til oljo-färg för målare: den andra gifver efte...
Harper's new monthly magazine 7 / 1857 Lichens are a race of tiny plants but little known to the world, and yet possessed of a beauty ...
Färgämnen från tjära. En ny industri, grundad på den moderna kemin, af J. J. C
Litterär tidskrift utgifven i Helsingfors 9, 15.9.1864 *Ordet är numera infördtidet högre skriftspråket af Helsingfors Tidningar; se dess ...
Vihreä tukka.
Kodin kuvasto 17, 14.10.1911 Vihreä tukka on ihmisillä, jotka asuvat Kuban saarella, Chilin kuparikaivosalueella. Se ei johdu mistään muod...
Husmödrarnas afdelning. Om färgning i hemmet.
Pellervo. (Svenska upplaga) 2 / 1909 Då vi betrakta gamla finska väfnader, glädjes ögat icke endast af deras ofta synnerligen vackra mönst...
Purpurns saga.
Argus 7, 1.4.1909 Hufvudstadsbladet 89, 2.4.1909 I andra scenen af "Kungarne på Salamis" röfvar Rhaistes från gubben Eubulos ...
Notes & Queries. (1884) Colored Flashes of Light. (vastaus)
The Manufacturer and Builder 8, 1877 For flashes of short duration, it is best to soak pieces of unsized paper in a solution of the chemical...
Notes & Queries. (1883) Gaffard's Non-Erasible Ink. (vastaus)
The Manufacturer and Builder 8, 1877 You probably mean Gaffard's preparation. It consists simply of lampblack mixed in twelve times its ...
Notes & Queries. The Macic Pen.
The Manufacturer and Builder 7, 1877 (1858) The Macic Pen. How are the magic pens made, now sold everywhere, and with which one can write s...
Notes & Queries. (1855) Finishing Wood-Work.
The Manufacturer and Builder 7, 1877 (1855) Finishing Wood-Work. I have a new dwelling, built in 1876; hall unfinished; doors, casings, stai...
Correspondence. Utilizing Coal-Tar.
The Manufacturer and Builder 7, 1877 To the Editor of the Manufacturer and Builder. I have a lot of coal-tar always on hand - more than the ...
Coloring Photographs with Anilin Colors.
The Manufacturer and Builder 7, 1877 It is well known that at present anilin colors are being extensively employed for tinting photographs, ...
Notes & Queries. (1847) Coloring Ratan Black.
The Manufacturer and Builder 6, 1877 Use the same prescription as for wood. First, a hot and strong solution of extract of logwood; let it d...
Notes & Queries. (1845) Staining Wood Various Colors.
The Manufacturer and Builder 6, 1877 For Red , cochineal or anilin red may be used. Boil for three hours 2 parts of pulverized cochineal in ...
Notes & Queries. (1781) Cleaning and Dyeing.
Manufacturer and builder Volume 3, 1877 Liquid ammonia is the sub-stance used by all repairers of old clothes to take out grease spots. You ...
Blue Glass.
Manufacturer and builder Volume 3, 1877 GEN. PLEASONTON'S REPLY TO CRITICISMS. The open letter published by Gen. Pleasonton in Answer to...