
[Cotton.] Nankin Cotton. Red Cotton.

Scientific American 17, 7.1.1854


Nankin Cotton.
The color of pure Nankin cotton goods, is the natural color of the cotton. Its native place is China, but it has been cultivated in Georgia, and goods have made from it at some of the factories in Rhode Island. We have been informed that its cultivation has been abandoned, however, on account of its unprofilic nature.

Red Cotton.
During the past year some cotton of a red color was received in Manchester from Aubeokuta, in Africa, but it was brought to that place from the interior of the country where it was said to be grown in great quantities, and was very prolific. We have never seen any of this kind of cotton, but that such a peculiar quality of it was grown in Africa, is stated in Bancroft's old work on the subject of Dyeing, which was printed before our revolution.


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