M. Fort, M.Sc. (Leeds) Late Lecturer in Dyeing in the Bradford Technical College and L. L. Lloyd, Ph.D. (Bern) Lecturer in Organic and Technical Chemistry in the Bradford Technical College
Cambridge: at the University Press 1919
(First edition 1917, reprinted 1919)

FIG. I Ordinary Tar Still.
FIG. II. Plant for Distillation of Coal Tar Oils, Rectification of Oils, etc.
A Still, steam-heated.
B Savalle column, still-head.
C Air-cooler or condensator.
D Condenser proper (water tubes).
Interior Section of Column B-b. Dephlegmator.
O Overflow pipes.
W Wells.
P Perforated plates.
F Tiny fountains caused by vapour ascending, giving good fraction ation.

FIG. III. Plant for Manufacture of Diphenylamine Products.
A Autoclave.
B Vat for washing, dissolving out impurities.
C Table filter.
FIG. IV. Sulphonation Plant used in Manufacture of Benzene Sulphonates, etc.
A Autoclave with Stirrer and Gauge.
B Condenser for Excess Hydrocarbon.
C Receiver.
D Agitating vessel for neutralisation, "timing-out," etc.

FIG. V. Plant for Manufacture of Dimethylaniline.
A Autoclave in oil-bnth.
B Still (stirrer with hollow spindle for steam).
C Condenser.
R Receiver.
D Feed-pump.
E Separating vessel.
F Carboy.
FIG. VI. Plant for Manufacture of Naphthol products from Sulphonic Acids, e.g. Amidonaphthol sulphonic acid Y (2, 8, 6) from β-naphthylamine disulphonic acid G by heating under pressure with alkali.
A Pressure vessel for alkali melt.
B Vessel for neutralisation of alkali melt (with stirrer).
C Filter press.

FIG. VII. Plant for Kapid Distillation and Purification. Used in purification of Eesorcine.
A Retort-still.
B Condenser.
C Receiver.
D Moulds.
FIG. VIII. Plant for Alkylating, etc. under Pressure.
G Pressure gauge.
V Safety valve.
S Stirrer.

FIG. IX. Plant for Solvent Extraction and Separation, e.g. used of extraction of Kesorcine with Amyl Alcohol and Ether.
A Extraction vessel with spiral agitator.
B Separating vessels.
C Still for recovery of solvent
FIG. X. Evaporating and Grinding Plant used in Manufacture of Intermediate Products and Dyestuffs, Dyewood Extracts, etc.
A Supply pipes.
B Reservoir heaters.
C Evaporating pans (steam-jacketed).
D Grinding mills.

FIG. XI. Plant for Manufacture of an Azo Dyestuff.
A Vat for diazotising the amine component (with paddle agitator).
B Vessel for dissolving second component (phenol or amine).
C Coupling vat (with agitator).
D Monteju (receiving reservoir).
E Filter press.
N Vessel for sodium nitrite.
FIG. XII. Special Plant for Manufacture of an Azo Dyestuff.
A Autoclave for sulphonation, or dissolving, or diazotisation under pressure.
B Receiver from A for neutralisation, dilution, etc. if required.
C Coupling vat (tandem paddle stirrers).
D Vessel for dissolving or diazotising second component.
E Pump feeding press.
F Filter press.
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