
A Dictionary of Arts: F. Frankfort Black. Fustet. Fustic.

A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines; containing A Clear Exposition of Their Principles and Practice

by Andrew Ure, M. D.;
F. R. S. M. G. S. Lond.: M. Acad. M. S. Philad.; S. PH. DOC. N. GERM. Ranow.; Mulh. Etc. Etc.

Illustrated with nearly fifteen hundred engravings on wood
Eleventh American, From The Last London Edition.
To which is appended, a Supplement of Recent Improvements to The Present Time.

New York: D Appleton & company, 200 Broadway. Philadelphia: George S. Appleton, 148 Chestnut St.


FRANKFORT BLACK is made by calcining vine branches, and the other refuse lees of the vinegar vats in Germany. They must be previously washed.


FUSTET. (Fustec, Fr.) The wood of the rhus cotinus, a fugitive yellow dye.


FUSTIC. (Bois jaune, Fr.; Gelbholz, Germ.) The old fustic of the English dyer, as the article fustet is their yellow fustic. It is the wood of the Morus tinctoria. It is light, not hard, and pale yellow with orange veins; it contains two colouring matters, one resinous, and another soluble in water. The latter resembles weld, but it has more of an orange cast, and is not so lively.

Its decoctions in water are brightened by the addition of a little glue, and more by curried milk. This wood is rich in color, and imparts permanent dyes to woollen stuffs, when aided by proper mordants. It unites well with the blue of the indigo vat, and Saxon blue, in producing green of various shades. Alum, tartar, and solution of tin, render its colour more vivid; sea salt and sulphate of iron deepen its hue. From 5 to 6 parts of old fustic are sufficient to give lemon color to 16 parts of cloth. The colour of weld is however purer and less inclining to orange; but that of fustic is less affected by acids than any other yellow dye. This wood is often employed with sulphate of iron in producing olive and brownish tints, which agree well with its dull yellow. For the same reason it is much used for dark greens.

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