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(Archive for colour themed articles and images)
A New Supplement...: Paris blue. Patent green. Pencils of black lead. Persian green. Persian red. Phoenicin. Pigments. Plumbago. Polyvhroite. Pounce.
A New Supplement to the latest Pharmacopoeias of London, Edinburgh, Dublin, and Paris, Forming A Complete Dispendatory, Conspectus, and Dictionary of Medical Chemistry, Giving All the Old and New Names, Including the New French and American Medicines, and Poisons; with Symptoms, Treatment, and Tests; as Well As Herbs, Drugs, Compounds, Veterinary Drugs, With the Pharmacopoia of the Vetenary College, Nostrums, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Varnishes, And similar articles kept in the Shops; With Their Compositions, Imitations, Adulterations, And Medicinal Uses, Being a General Book of Formulæ and Recipes For Daily Reference in the Laboratory and at the Counter.
Fourth edition, corrected, improved, and very much enlarged.
By James Rennie, M. A., Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Foreign Medicine; the Pharmacopeia Universalis; Author of a Conspectus of Prescriptions in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery; the Pharmacopeia Imperialis, &c. &c.
London: Baldwin and Cradock. 1837.
London: Thomas Curson Hansard, Paternoster Row.
PARIS BLUE. A particular preparation of Prussian Blue as a pigment.
PATENT GREEN. A pigment prepared with copper.
PENCILS OF BLACK LEAD, or Plumbago, are made by sawing the black lead into slips, and enclosing these in a frame of cedar, or any soft wood that is easily cut.
Imitated by melting good Cumberland black lad and shelllac, together, powdering the compound when cool, and remelting and repowdering till it is of a proper consistency. It is then cut into slips, and used as before.
Adulterated by putting only a small bit of good black lead at the end, and leaving the rest of the pencil empty, or filled with inferior materials.
PERSIAN GREEN. A pigment containing copper.
PERSIAN RED, in the arts, is the same as Indian red.
PHOENICIN. This consists of one atom of indigo and two of water.
PIGMENTS. The substances used in painting, the perfection of which may be reckoned beauty of colour, pureness, richness, brilliancy, intensity, delicacy, depth, truth of hue, transparency or opacity, well working, crispiness, setting up, and well drying, but more partucularly durability. (FIELD.)
PLUMBAGO. Graphite, or Black Lead. s a native percarbonate of iron. The finer sorts from the Cumberland mine are used for making pencils; the coarser for polishing, and to make anti-attrition mixtures.
POLYCHROITE. New. A vegetable extract produced by Bouillon la Grange from saffron, and so named from its assuming various colours with various reagents.
POUNCE. A powder made from sandarac, or resin, for dusting over paper to make it bear ink. The mordant, made by dissolving 3j of sesqui-carbonate of soda in a pint of water coloured with sap-green, and used for preparing linen for permanent ink, is called Liquid pounce. See INK.
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