
New Coloring Substance.

Scientific American 14, 25.12.1847

By the Chemical Gazette we perceive that a patent has lately been taken out in England, by C. A. Kurtz, of Manchester, for the manufacture of a new material for making a fast brown color. The manner of preparing it is "to put into a vessel containing a hundred gallons of water 132 lbs of logwood and boiling them for a long time, then cooling a little and adding 30 lbs. of nitric acid gradually, and afterwards adding 10 ls. of potass," to facilitate the use of the mixture in dyeing and printing. This mixture is made portable by mixing it with pipe clay and drying it. To dye with it, a suddicient quantity is dissolved in water, a little tartar is added and the article kept boiling till the desired shade is obtained. For pinting, the material is to be mixed with gum in the common way and some tartar added as for dyeing, and the fabric is said to be steamed to fix the color.

We venture to say that the inventor will not make his great fortune out of this discovery, if the above is a correct description. It does not state whether it is for dyeing or printing cotton or woollen goods, and they are essentially different in their nature. For browns on woollens, at least claret browns, the present common method is more cheap and simple. It would appear as if designed principally for woollen goods, except in printing, and in that case a cheaper bworn color can be made from a strong extract of catchecue and nitrate of copper, or logwood and bark yellow with a little muriate of tin and alum, varied in proportions according to the shade wanted.

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