
Cheap and Fine Varnish for Wood.

Manufacturer and Builder, 1890

The beautiful varnish applied to Connecticut clock-cases, wooden picture-frames, and other cheap objects, is in appearance equal to the elaborate finish of the finest furniture, such as pianos, etc. It is made by mixing two pounds of copal varnish with half an ounce of linseed-oil varnish. The mixture is shaken often to mix it well, and is then placed on a warm spot. The wood to be varnished is prepared with a thin coat of glue-water, dried slowly, and rubbed down with fine pumice-stone or something equivalent. In light-colored wood, a light pigment, such as chalk, is added to the glue-water; in dark wood, an equally dark pigment is added. When ready, the articles are varnished with the above mixture, and, after drying, rubbed with a solution of wax in ether, thereby acquiring a high polish.

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