
New Extract from Foreign Wood.

Practical Magazine 14, 1876

(Chemistry applied to the Arts, Manufactures, &c.
Dyeing, Calico Printing, Bleaching, Tanning, and Allied Subjects.)

The attempts hitherto made to find substitutes for catechu, sumach, and tannin have generally been fruitless. M. DUBOSC has obtained the best results from a tree of Brazil, known in that country by the popular name of quebracho. The particular form of its grain, which resembles a small shield, has given it the scientific name of aspidosperm. Botanists place it in the family of apocqueæ.

M. Dubosc submitted it to all the operations which dye-woods generally undergo, viz., cutting into chips or pulverization, lixiviation on the principle of methodical exhaustion, evaporation, and lastly concentration, till the extract assumes the desired consistence as liquid, paste, or solid, according to the requirements of commerce.

The extract of guebracho thus obtained may be advantageously substituted for catechu, sumach, and tannin in all their applications both to dyeing and tanning. M. Dubosc is the first to think of using this wood for procuring an eminently astringent product, which is likely to prove a valuable acquisition to those arts.

- Moniteur Industriel Belge, Jan. 1st, 1876.

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