
Remedy for the bite of snakes.

American Farmer, 23.5.1828

Department of War,
Office Indian Affairs, l0th May, 1828.
To J. S. Skinner, Esq.

Dear Sir, - I inclose herewith, for publication in the American Farmer, a copy of a letter from Mr. David Jones, of Wellsburg, in which he names the wild indigo, (Podalyria tinctoria,) as a specific against the effects of bites of snakes, stating the manner of applying it. Every body knows the wild indigo, it being so frequently resorted to, to protect horses from the bites of flies, by being gathered and put about their heads and necks.
Very truly yours,


Wellsburg, April 20, 1828.
To Thomas L. McKenvet, Esq.
Sir, - In looking over a New York paper, a few days ago, I saw an order said to have been issued, by directions of the War Department, from your office, inquiring of the different Indian agents, to know what remedies were used by the Indians, for the bites of mad-dogs and snakes. My acquaintance, from eight to twelve years, with the manners and customs of the Indians, has given me an opportunity of becoming acquainted with many cures used by them, which enables me to answer your inquiries in part. Two cases of snake-bites same under my own inspection. The most quiek and safe remedy used by the Indians, is as follows: Take the wild indigo, bruise it and put it on the bite; then follow it with a strong decoction made of the same plant; continue to keep the wound well saturated with the decoction, and in a short time it will extract all the poison. I have found the indigo on many of the tributary streams of the Ohio, and it is to be found in most countries that are inhabited by the rattle and copper snakes.

With great esteem,
I am, sir, yours, &c.

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