
The Aniline Color, Dyestuff and Chemical Conditions, Preface

The Aniline Color, Dyestuff and Chemical Conditions
August 1st, 1914,
April 1st, 1917.
A series of Addresses and Articles
Compiled by:
I. F. Stone
In compliance with the request of many of my friends among the chemical and other scientific societies, as well as manufacturers and others interested in the development of the coal tar products, aniline colors, and chemical industry in the United States, particularly since the beginning of the European War, about August 1st, 1914, I am publishing this number of addresses I have made and articles I have written on these subjects since the war started, and finishing with the situation at the present date, April 1st, 1917.

This does not include all of the addresses and articles in list mentioned at the beginning, as many of them are more or less repetitions, so I have included only those which seem to come in sequence and follow the situation from the beginning.

I am including in this book a report of a committee appointed October 9th, 1914, by the American Chemical Society (New York Section), of which committee I was a member, on the chemical and dyestuff situation, which committee reported November 6th, 1914. Also addresses by Dr. D. W. Jayne, made November 20th, 1914, Mr. J. F. Schoellkopf, made October 22nd, 1915, Dr. W. Beckers, made November 23rd, 1916, an article written by Dr. T. H. Norton, under date of February 5, 1917, and an article written by Dr. B. C. Hesse under date of June 24th, 1915, all of which are pertinent to the situation and in line with my own addresses and articles on the subject, so that this book will give a very complete history of the beginning and development of the chemical and dyestuff industries in the United States from the time of the present European War to the present time, and will be particularly interesting as a great development has been accomplished, the progress of which can be followed from these addresses and articles.

I therefore hope that this book will be of service to those societies, universities, libraries, etc., who wish a book of reference on these subjects, which will be found very useful in connection with these industries, and particularly interesting in years to come, after the present abnormal conditions are over and the United States will find it necessary to again compete with the world in the manufacture of these products.

It is with some reluctance that I include in this book a photograph of myself, and the only reason of my doing so is the repeated request of my friends, that they would like this book as a souvenir of the present European War, and my photograph included as one of the workers in the task of establishing an American industry in the dyestuff and chemical line.

I submit this book with the greatest of pleasure, and with many thanks for the expressions of interest from those who have suggested the compilation of these addresses and articles.

Very sincerely,

April 1st, 1917.

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