
Russia: or, A Compleat Historical Account of All the Nations Which Compose That Empire. (Väriä koskevat osat)

London, Printed for J. Nichols: T. Cadell, in the Strand; H. Payne, Pall-Mall; and N. Conant, Fleet-Street. 1780

(Johann Gottlieb Georgi)

The Bougharians
In the towns and villages are taylors, tanners, show-makers, dyers, makers of oil, and other artisans that carry on the most useful trades. The dyers are mostly Jews, some of whom have also silk manufactories. The tanners and dyers make use of galls which grow on the pistachio trees of the country. The Bougharian women fabricate cotton stuffs, in the same manner as the Russian women make their houshold linen. The paper which the Bougharians use is made of cotton, and the membrane found under the bark of the mulberry tree.
The chief merchandiezs which the Bougharians bring to Russia are Bougharian and Indian stuffs of cotton, and half-silks, of spun and raw cotton, morning-gowns much used in Russia, lamb-skins, dried fruits, kischmisch (a sort of currants), sanctonicum seeds, precious stones,  sand containing gold-dust, imprepared nitre, native sal ammoniac, or such as they get from the mines. Their imports are fine cloths, chiefly red, yousti or Russia leather, cochenille, indigo, glassbeads, knives, wire, needles, all kinds of trinkets; such as go to Asrachan take Persian silk. They trade by barter, making the value exact by means of their ducats. Their caravans scarcely ever sojourn lenges than two months in a place, and the goods they cannot dispose of in that time are left in the hands of factors or agenta, who always make purchases before-hand, and keep their bargains till the arrival of their makers.

The Baschkirians.
These laborious women also make a sort of coarse narrow cloth, which they know how to full with soap prepared by themselves; and some of them understand the art of dying colours. They few their cloaths, whether woollen or linen, with thread of hemp or nettle; but for their pelices or cloaths made of sinks they use tendons separated into threads. For this purpose they take the finews of the legs of all their large cattle, which they cut into pieces six inches in length, dry them in the air, then beat them till they separate into a great number of fibres, which they join with great dexterity by twisting the ends together without making any knot.

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