
The Dyer's Guide. Chapter IV. On Scouring and Dyeing Wool. On browns, fawns, greys, &c.

The Dyer's Guide
Being a Compendium of the Art of Dyeing
Linen, Cotton, Silk, Wool, Muslin, Dresses, Furniture, &c. &c.

With The Method of
Scouring Wool, Bleaching Cotton, &c.
Directions for Ungumming Silk, And For Whitening And Sulphuring Silk And Wool.
And Also
An Inttroductory Epitome of The Leading Facts in Chemistry, As Connected With The Art of Dyeing.

By Thomas Packer,
Dyer and Practical Chemist.

"Cet arte est un des plus utiles et des plus merveilleux qu'on connoisse."
- Chaptal.

"There is no art which depends so much on chemistry as dyeing."
- Garnett.

Second Edition,
Corrected and Materially Improved.

Printed for Sherwood, Gilbert, And Piper,

Browns and Fawns owe, in all probability, their colour to the iron which their dyes contain. Iron is so universally diffused throughout nature, that it, very likely, enters into the composition of many other colours; it exists in blood, in water, and in innumerable vegetable and animal substances, as well as in earths and many minerals. Hence we ought not to be surprised that blue, red, and fawn produce olives from the darkest to the lightest; as well as slate and lavender when the shade is very light.

Fawn and yellow produce the feuille-morte or dead-leaf.

Fawn and red produce cinnamon, tobacco, chestnut, &c.

Fawn and black produce coffee, maroon, &c.

Blue, yellow, and black produce all the dark greens, even to black.

Blue, fawn, and black produce dark olives and greenish greys. Red, yellow, and fawn produce orange, gold colour, withered-leaf, carnation, burnt cinnamon and tobacco colours of all kinds.

Yellows, fawn, and black produce hair colour, nutbrown, &c.

This enumeration is meant only to give a general idea of the ingredients proper for the production of shades composed of several colours.

Where red forms a component part of the colour wanted, the goods must have a preparation of alum and argol, strong or weak, according to the fulness or weakness of the red which forms a part of the compound dye, such as the half or quarter of the quantity which is required for a full colour of red; the same as to yellow, and, in proportion, when red and yellow are joined.

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