
Supplement to the Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, H, I, J

Supplement to the  Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
In Two Volumes.
Vol. I.
John Jamieson, D.D.
Edinburgh: Printed at the University Press;
for W. & C. Tait, 78, Prince's Street;
and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London.
HAIR'D, part. adh. A hair'd cow is whose skin has a mixture of white and red, or of white and black hair; i. e. a grisled, or gray cow, Fife.
Isl. haera, capillus canus, Dan. graa haar, i. e. grey hair; haerd-r, canus, (Dan. graehardel); haer-ar canescere, canitiem induere; Haldorson.

HAUKIT, adj. Having a white face. V. Hawkit.

HAZELY, adj. A term applied to soil which in colour resembles that of the hazel-tree, Banff's.
"Hazely ground being naturally loose and light, will not admit of clean ploughing twice for one crop, unless it be overlaid with very binding dung."— "Our own soil—is most part hazely, and made up of sand and light earth, where sometimes one, and sometimes another, has the ascendancy in the com position." Surv. Banff, App. p. 37, 38.

HORN, s. Green Horn, a novice, one who is not qualified by experience for any piece of business
he engages in; one who may be easily gulled, S.
I have not observed that this phrase is used in E. It seems borrowed from the honourable profession of Tinkers or Horners, who, in the fabrication of spoons, &c. cannot make sufficient work of a horn that is not properly seasoned.

HUMIN, s. (Gr. v.) Twilight, Shell.; synon. Glomin, S.
Isl. hum crepusculum, hum-ar, advesperacit; G. Andr. p. 126. He traces it to Heb. [---] hum, niger, fuscus; supposing the term to allude to the dusky colour of the sky. Humott signifies, iter incertum, from hum and att, a quarter;  denoting the uncer tainty of the direction because of the darkness. Humamal, causa obscura.

HYAUVE, adj. Used to denote that kind of colour in which black and white are combined, or appear alternately; as, "a hyauve cow," Banff's. When applied to the human head, it is synon. with Lyart.
This is merely a provincial modification of Haw, Haave, q. v.

INCARNET, adj. Of the colour of a carnation.
"Item one bed of incarnet velvot garnisit with heid peee and thre single pandis and tlire curtenis of reid taffety all freinyeit with reid silk. It is to be understand that the ruif of this bed is bot of quhite taffetie." Inventories, A. 1561, p. 125.
Fr. incarnal, "carnation;  and more particularly, light, or pale carnation;  flesh-coloured, or of the co lour of our damask rose; " Cotgr. Lat. incarnalus color, flesh-colour, or carnation colour. I need scarcely say that this is obviously from car-o, carn-is.

INGARNAT, adj. The same with Incarnet.
—"The uther tablit contening sevin peirlis and ane jassink with ane sapheir ingarnat." Inventories, A. 1579, p. 279.
Du Cange refers to our celebrated Michael Scott, as, in his work, De Physionomia, c. 46. using Ingranatis to denote a rose of the colour of a pomegranate, S. Garnet, q. v.

JADSTANE, s. The common white pebble, found on the sand, or in beds the of rivers, Loth.;
"Boil jadstanes in butter, the broo will  be gude; " Prov. phrase, ibid.

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