
The Journal of The Linnean Society: Dr. Tierney Aitchison on the Flora.

The Journal of The Linnean Society.
Vol. VIII.
Sold at the Society's Apartments, Burlington House;
and by
Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green,
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Printed by Taylor and Francis,
Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.

Aitchison, J. E. Tierney, M. D., F.L.S.
Flora of the Jhelum District of the Punjab

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Cratæva Roxburghii, Br. Called " Burna." The clammy mucilage of the fruit, as well as its rind, are used to make a cement: from the astringency of the latter it is used as a mordant in dyeing. The timber, although large, is of no value.

Zizyphus Jujuba, L. "Baer." The leaves and fruit make good fodder for cattle, for which purpose it is cultivated. The branches make excellent hedges. The wood supplies the zemindar with his ploughs, wellwheels, and timber for his house. The tree yields a lac, called " Baree-kalak," used in dyeing.

Butea frondosa, Roxb. Called " Dhak," and also "Plass." Is characteristic of the Ravine-country: much ground on which this grew is being reclaimed. The wood is used for firewood ; the bark of the root is made into rope; the exuded resin (Indian Kino) is used medicinally by the natives, as well as for tanning and as a mordant in dyeing ; the flowers as a dye ; the leaves for wrapping up the various commodities sold in a bazaar, as fodder for elephants, and bedding for cattle.

Indigofera cordifolia, Heyne.
- linifolia, Retz.
- Senegalensis, DC.
- tinctoria, L. Cultivated chiefly in small quantities to dye the beards of the cultivators blue. Called " Neel.''

Rottlera tinctoria, Roxb. Mount Tilla : common. Called "Rovin," "Roolee," and "Kameela." The red epidermis of the fruit is recognized as a vermifuge for the tape-worm by the natives, and also used as a dye.

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