The Natural Organic Colouring Matters
Arthur George Perkin, F.R.S., F.R.S.E., F.I.C., professor of colour chemistry and dyeing in the University of Leeds
Arthur Ernest Everest, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.C., of the Wilton Research Laboratories; Late head of the Department of Coal-tar Colour Chemistry; Technical College, Huddersfield
Longmans, Green and Co.
39 Paternoster Row, London
Fourth Avenue & 30th Street, New York
Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras
Kaikki kuvat (kemialliset kaavat) puuttuvat // None of the illustrations (of chemical formulas) included.
Jak-wood, or Jack-wood, is derived from the Artocarpus integrifolia (Linn.) which belongs to the Urticaceæ, and is cultivated throughout India, Burmah, and Ceylon, except in the north. It is largely used for carpentry, furniture, etc., and is stated to be imported to Europe for this purpose. The rasped wood is used by the natives of India and Java as a yellow dye in conjunction with alum, for the robes of the Burmese priests, also for dyeing silk and for general purposes.
An aqueous solution of the wood possesses the characteristic property that when it is treated with alkali and gently warmed, the yellow solution at first obtained assumes a beautiful blue tint.
Jack-wood (Perkin and Cope, Chem. Soc. Trans., 1895, 67, 937) is very similar to old fustic, and its dyeing properties are due to morin (see Old Fustic). Unlike old fustic, however, it contains no maclurin, but there is present a second substance, cyanomaclurin, which is devoid of tinctorial property. These compounds can be isolated from jack-wood by methods which are almost identical with those which have been applied to fustic itself, and their separation may be effected by means of lead acetate as this precipitates only the morin.
Jack-wood dyes shades very similar to those given by old fustic; that is, olive-yellow with chromium, dull yellow with aluminium, and a brighter yellow with tin mordant. On the other hand, the sample examined by Perkin and Cope possessed only about one-third of the dyeing power of old fustic.
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