
Cotton Flowers
(CHAPTER VII. Flavonol Group.)
(Osa artikkelista)

The Natural Organic Colouring Matters
Arthur George Perkin, F.R.S., F.R.S.E., F.I.C., professor of colour chemistry and dyeing in the University of Leeds
Arthur Ernest Everest, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.C., of the Wilton Research Laboratories; Late head of the Department of Coal-tar Colour Chemistry; Technical College, Huddersfield
Longmans, Green and Co.
39 Paternoster Row, London
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Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras

Kaikki kuvat (kemialliset kaavat) puuttuvat // None of the illustrations (of chemical formulas) included.

Among the various portions of the cotton plant which have been industrially employed must be included the flowers which constitute one of the numerous Indian dyestuffs. According to Watt ("Dictionary of the Economic Products of India") they are thus used in the Manipur district. Gossypetin was first isolated in small quantity from the flowers of the ordinary Indian cotton plant, G. herbaceum (Perkin, Chem. Soc. Trans., 1899, 75, 826), and has been more completely studied at a later period (ibid., 1913, 103, 650). For its preparation a concentrated alcoholic extract of the flowers is treated with hot water and the mixture digested when boiling with addition of hydrochloric acid for three hours. After removal of tar by filtration the hot liquid on cooling deposits a brownish-yellow powder, which contains a mixture of quercetin and gossypetin. These colouring matters are separated by a fractional crystallisation of their mixed acetyl derivatives from acetic anhydride, acetylgossypetin being in these circumstances the least soluble. The acetyl compound is finally hydrolysed by sulphuric acid in the presence of acetic acid in the ordinary manner.


Gossypitone, C15H8O8, the name assigned to this substance, consists of microscopic needles of a dull red colour, which are difficultly soluble in the usual solvents. It dissolves in dilute alkalis with a pure blue coloration and its solution in concentrated sulphuric acid is dull brown. Sodium hydrogen sulphite solution reconverts it into gossypetin. Gossypitone possesses strong dyeing properties, and gives the following shades on mordanted woollen cloth:
Chromium. Dull-brown.
Aluminium. Orange-brown.
Tin. Orange-red.
Iron. Deep olive.

* This compound, more recently synthesised by Neirenstein (Chem. Soc. Trans., 1915, 107, 872), is described as melting at 354-355°, and its hexamethyl ether at 145-147°.These, it is interesting to note, are identical with those given in these circumstances by gossypetin itself, and it is accordingly evident that during the dyeing operation oxidation of the latter to gossypitone takes place. Until a definite knowledge of the tetrahydroxybenzene nucleus in gossypetin has been obtained the position of the hydroxyl groups in this portion of the molecule can only be conjectured. Existing as it does side by side with quercetin it seems natural to consider that gossypetin is a hydroxyquercetin. Again, should gossypitone be a p-quinone, the constitution of gossypetin will be the same as that which Neirenstein and Wheldale have suggested (Her., 1911, 48, 3487) for the flavonol described earlier (1) which they obtained from quercetone, but the descriptions of the two compounds are not in agreement.*


Quercimeritrin, C21H20O12, 3H2O, melting-point 247-249°, consists of small, glistening, bright yellow plates, insoluble in cold and fairly readily soluble in boiling water. Its alkaline solutions possess a deep yellow tint; with aqueous lead acetate it gives a bright red precipitate, and with ferric chloride an olive-green coloration. Octa-acetylquercimeritrin, needles, C21H12O10(C2H3O)8, melting-point 214-216°, is sparingly soluble in alcohol, whereas monopotassium quercimeritrin, a yellow powder, can be obtained by means of alcoholic potassium acetate. By hydrolysis with dilute sulphuric acid quercimeritrin yields quercetin and glucose according to the following equation: C21H20O12 + H2O = C15H10O7 + C6H12O6 and is thus analogous to quercitrin which in this manner is converted into quercetin and rhamnose.

On wool mordanted with aluminium, tin, chromium, and iron, quercimeritrin gives the following shades:
Aluminium. Orange-yellow.
Tin. Bright orange.
Chromium. Reddish-brown.
Iron. Olive-brown.
and these results are interesting, because with the exception of the iron mordanted pattern, which is of a rather browner character, the colours thus produced closely resemble those which are given by quercetin itself when dyed in a similar manner. They are widely different from those given by rutin and quercitrin, and mainly as a result of this property there can be little doubt that quercimeritrin is to be represented by one of the two following formulæ: [KUVA PUUTTUU]

Quercimeritrin is also present in the flowers of the Primus emarginata? (Finnemore, Pharm. Jour., 1910, (iv.), 31, 604).


Acetyl-gossypitrin, C21H11O13(C2H3O)9, colourless needles, melting-point 226-228°, is almost insoluble in alcohol.

When hydrolysed with dilute sulphuric acid gossypitrin yields gossypetin and dextrose according to the equation C21H20O13 + H2O = C15H10O8 + C6H12O6

The shades given by this glucoside on mordanted wool are as follows:
Chromium. Reddish-brown.
Aluminium. Dull yellow.
Tin. Bright orange.
Iron. Dark olive-brown.

Gossypitrin reacts, like gossypetin itself, with benzoquinone, and yields in this way a quinone to which the name Gossypitrone, C21H18O13, has been assigned. This consists of maroon coloured needles, which possess no definite melting-point, although fusion of the product occurs about 255-259°. By the action of warm dilute sulphurous acid solution it is reconverted into gossypitrin, and the same change appears to occur in the dyeing process, for the shades produced are identical with those yielded by this latter glucoside. It is considered probable that the sugar group of gossypitrin is attached to its tetrahydroxybenzene nucleus, though until the exact nature of this has been decided, its position is necessarily uncertain.

Isoquercitrin, C21H20O12, 2H2O, crystallises from dilute alcohol in pale yellow needles, melting at 217-219°. It is sparingly soluble in water, and dissolves in alkaline solutions with a deep yellow tint, but its most interesting property is the fact that with aqueous lead acetate solution it gives a bright yellow precipitate entirely distinct from the deep red deposit which is produced in this manner from the isomeric quercimeritrin.

Again, though more readily susceptible to hydrolysis than the latter glucoside, it yields identical products: C21H20O12+H2O=C15H10O7+C6H12O6

Dyeing experiments with isoquercitrin give shades entirely distinct from those given by quercimeritrin, and these, although slightly paler, resemble those yielded by quercitrin.
Chromium. Brownish-yellow.
Aluminium. Golden-yellow.
Tin. Lemon-yellow.
Iron. Brownish-olive.

The properties of this substance indicate that its sugar group is riot attached as in quercimeritrin to the phloroglucinol nucleus of quercetin. Indeed it is probably constituted similarly to quercitrin (loc. cit.), which, however, contains a rhamnose in the place of the glucose residue. Three formulæ are possible for isoquercitrin, which may be briefly expressed by the statement that the position of the sugar residue in respect to the quercetin group is at one or other of the points in the following which are marked with an asterisk: [KUVA PUUTTUU]

The aqueous extract of the Egyptian cotton flowers employed in this investigation gave by hydrolysis with acid []86 per cent, of crude colouring matter, and in this approximately 10 per cent, of gossypetin was present. Dyeing experiments with the flowers in the usual way gave the following shades:
Chromium. Reddish-brown.
Aluminium. Green-yellow.
Tin. Orange-brown.
Iron. Olive-brown.
and these though duller were somewhat similar in character to those given by quercimeritrin. In comparison with the shades similarly produced from other natural dyes, they most nearly resemble those of the so-called "Patent Bark," a preparation of quercitron bark in which quercetin and no quercitrin is present.

Among the types of cotton flowers there are (a) red, (b) pink, (c) yellow, and (d) white flowered plants. In the offspring of a cross between (a) and (c) there occurs in the second and subsequent generations red and yellow plants which breed pure, whereas in the off-spring of a cross between (a) and (d) all four forms occur which breed pure. As a supplementary investigation to that of the Egyptian flowers the petals derived from such pure plants occurring among the offspring of one or other of these crosses have been examined (Perkin, Chem. Soc. Trans., 1916, 109, 145), (cp. Leake, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1911, (B), 83, 147).

The types were as follows: red flowered, G. arboreum (Linn.); pink, G. sanguineum (Harsk); yellow and white, two varieties of G. neglectum (Tod), usually now treated as one species but originally described as G. neglectum and G. rossrum. As a result it has been found that the red flowers of G. arboreum contain isoquercitrin, quercimeritrin and gossypitrin in this case being absent, whereas in the yellow flowers of G. neglectum, gossypitrin and isoquerdtrin were present, and quercimeritrin appeared to be absent. On the other hand, the white flowers of G. neglectum and the pink flowers of G. sanguineum gave but traces of colouring matter too small for complete identification, though the respective products obtained resembled in their properties apigenin and quercetin. An examination of the ordinary Indian cotton flower, G. herbaceum, available only in small amount, gave the same results as the G. neglectum.

Gossypetin is also present in the flowers of the Hibiscus sabdariffa or "red sorrel" of the West Indies, a small shrub which is widely cultivated throughout the hotter parts of India and Ceylon (Perkin, Chem. Soc. Trans., 1909, 95, 1855). The stems yield the "Rozelle hemp" of commerce, and this is obtained by retting the twigs as soon as the plant is in flower. The yellow flowers are just capable of dyeing yellow but are not used at all in India for this purpose; on the other hand, the red calyces are employed for dyeing in an obscure degree in two remote parts of the country (Burkill, Agricultural Ledger, Calcutta, 1908, No. 2, 13).

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