
Eosine a Substitute for Litmus.

Practical Magazine 13, 1876

(Chemistry applied to the Arts, Manufactures, &c. Dyeing, Calico Printing, Bleaching, Tanning, and Allied Subjects.)

MEISTER recommends the brilliant new dye, eosine (see “Practical Magazine,” August, 1875), as a substitute for litmus in testing for alkali. Eosine changes instantaneously when exposed to the slightest alkaline action, whereas the change of colour in litmus is progressive.

- Moniteur Indust. Belge, 1st Mov. 1875.

Sand’s Leather-Blacking.

Practical Magazine 13, 1876

(Chemistry applied to the Arts, Manufactures, &c. Dyeing, Calico Printing, Bleaching, Tanning, and Allied Subjects.)

This well-known useful blacking for leather may be made thus: Dissolve 22 lbs. of green vitriol and 5 lbs. of tartaric acid in 9 gallons of water. After the settling, draw off the clear liquid ; then boil 16 lbs. of logwood with about 18 gallons of water and 11 gallons of the fluid. Let the boiled mixture stand for about eight days, pour it off from the sediment, dissolve in it 2 lbs. of grape sugar, and mix this liquid with the green vitriol solution. The blacking so obtained may be made still brighter by mixing the logwood decoction with 4 lbs. of aniline black-blue before the addition of the vitriol. The application of the blacking is very simple. The leather is first well brushed with a solution of soda, or still better with spirit of sal-ammoniac, in twenty-five times as much water, to get rid of the grease. The blacking is then applied with the proper brush for the purpose.

- Stummer's Ingenieur, Dec. 17, 1875.

Chromate of Iron.

Practical Magazine 13, 1876

(Chemistry applied to the Arts, Manufactures, &c. Dyeing, Calico Printing, Bleaching, Tanning, and Allied Subjects.)

If to a solution of neutral chromate of lead be added a solution of chloride of iron sharpened with hydrochloric acid, a dusty precipitate is formed of a bright orange colour. This is chromate of iron, which, dried at 104° Fah., is found to be composed of 65 to 65.11 per cent. of chromic acid and 34.58 to 34.71 of oxide of iron, a composition represented by the formula (Cn. O4)3 Fe2, and corresponding mathematically to 65.33 of chromic acid with 34.66 of oxide of iron.

This chromate of iron is insoluble in water, easily soluble in hydrochloric, nitric, and sulphuric acids, and decomposes when it is digested in a ley of soda. When strongly heated, it swells and changes to a blackish brown.

Chromate of iron may be conveniently used for oil-painting, for, though in vivacity of colour, it is not equal, to chromate of lead, it has the advantage over it of not blackening under the action of hydro-sulphuric acid, and being in all circumstances without injurious effect on the health. Lastly, chromate of iron may be obtained at a much lower price than chromate of lead.

- Technologiste

Manufacture of Guignet Green on a large Scale.

Practical Magazine 13, 1876

(Chemistry applied to the Arts, Manufactures, &c. Dyeing, Calico Printing, Bleaching, Tanning, and Allied Subjects.)

This beautiful colour, which in its tint and brightness rivals Schweinfurt green, and has the great advantage over it of being free from poison, is, as is well known, a hydrated oxide of chromium, produced in a peculiar manner. It may be easily prepared in large quantities by melting together to a dull red heat a mixture of three parts of boracic acid and one of bichromate of potash on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace constructed for this purpose. The mass swells up, disengages oxygen in abundance, and ultimately changes into a beautiful green combination of borate of chromium and potash. Successive wash ings with boiling water separate it into hydrated oxide of chromium and soluble borate of soda. When the washing is over it is bruised fine, and a colour is obtained of the most beautiful tint, which covers well, resists the air and light, and is affected only by concentrated boiling acids. It may be easily prepared in small quantities in a porcelain crucible.

- Technologiste

Gold Lac for Metal Wares.

Practical Magazine 13, 1876

(Chemistry applied to the Arts, Manufactures, &c. Metallurgy.)

A gold lac, remarkable for its great hardness and beautiful colour, on being analyzed by Dr. R. KAYSER at Nürnberg, gave as its constituents picric acid and boracic acid. Thereupon a clear shell-lac solution was mixed with picric acid and about half per cent. of crystallized boracic acid, each being previously dissolved in alcohol, and the resulting lac possessed all the advantages of the former one.

- Bayerisches Industrie-und-Gewerke Blatt, Oct. 1875.


Neuvoja. Alumiiniumin värjääminen.

Suomen Teollisuuslehti. Koneteollisuus 7, 1.4.1914

1) Yksinkertaisin alumiiniumin värjäystäpä ou se, että alumiiniumi ensin kuparoidaan tai hopeoidaan ja tämä pintakerros sitten värjätään.

2) Mustaksi saadaan alumiiniumi platinakloriidiliuoksella.

3) Värjättävät alumiiniumikappaleet puhdistetaan hyvin ja sivellään tuoreella munavalkuaisella ja sitten hiljakseen kuumennetaan. Näin muodostuu pintaan pysyväinen ja happojakin kestävä musta väri.

Neuvoja. Miten akkunalasit tehdään auringonsäteitä läpäisemättömiksi.

Suomen Teollisuuslehti. Koneteollisuus 7, 1.4.1914

Ikkunalasit sivellään sisäpuolelta liitujauhosta ja maidosta valmistetulla paksulla seoksella. Tätä on siveltävä niin ohkoinen kerros, että ulkona olevien esineiden hahmo vielä näkyy. Tällainen sivelyaine kestää auringonsäteiden vaikutuksen ja tarttuu tarpeeksi lujasti lasiin, mutta on kuitenkin tarvittaessa helposti vedellä poistettavissa. Näin sopii siis m. m. kesällä asukkaiden maalla ollessa suojella huoneiden sisustusta auringon säteiltä.

Neuvoja. Raudan maalaamiseen... Ruskeaa rautamaalia.

Suomen Teollisuuslehti. Koneteollisuus 7, 1.4.1914

Raudan maalaamiseen soveltuu hyvin seuraavalla tavalla valmistettu seos. 10 osaa vedetöntä puu-tervaa, jossa ei saa olla etikkahappoa, keitetään ja siihen pannaan 2 osaa grafiittia sekä 1 osa mönjää. Kun tämä seos on hyvin kiehutettu, sekotetaan siihen 1 osa rikkikukkaa ja 2 osaa hehkutettua hohkakivijauhetta. Tällöin maali on valmis.

Ruskeaa rautamaalia saadaan sekottamalla: 4 g vettä, 1 g tanninia ja 2 g antimonitrikloriidia.