
Tattooing Among the Japanese.

The Galaxy 1, 1872

The practice of tattooing, which we se commonly associate with the natives of New Zealand and our own Indians, seems also to have attained a high state of perfection among the Japanese. A correspondent of an English journal, writing from Japan, states that certain men in that country make it their business to tattoo others, and prove themselves artists of no mean power, "for no india-rubber or ink eraser can possibly take out a false line once inserted, and they most invariably, in 'printing in,' improve upon the drawing previously made. Beasts, birds, reptiles, and fishes are thus depicted pon the skin, and often also whole scenes from some legend or history." A very common device is the red-headed crane, the sacred bird of Japan, figured standing on the back of a tortoise. These designs are pricked in by needles, and two or three colors are used.

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