
Graphite Roof Paint.

Manufacturer and builder 5, 1882

The Joseph Dixon Crucible Company, of Jersey City, N. J., have some specialties that deserve the attention of builders, contractors and others.

Their graphite roof paint they claim will stand 2,000° Fah. heat, any degree of cold, the salt atmosphere, or even acids. It will cover double the surface of mineral or white lead paints. It is easily laid on with the brush, and guaranteed practically everlasting. A circular explaining the subject at length, with sample of the colors, can be obtained by sending your address.

The same paint is also made, by special adaptation, useful for iron smoke stacks. It will not "burn off."

Their American graphite pencils long since took rank above all others in point of quality, economy, etc. They make this celebrated graphite into pencils for mechanical and architectural drawing, for freehand drawing, for carpenter's use, and a special lumber pencil for lumber inspectors. Ask your dealer for these pencils; but if they are not sold by any dealer in your vicinity, write for sample, sending 9 cents in postage stamps to their address, Josph Dixon Crucible Co., Jersey City, N. J. They are the largest manufacturers in the world of graphite goods, making crucibles, stove polish paints, lubricating oils, lubricating greases, lead pencils, carpenter's pencils, and lumber pencils, from the celebrated Ticonderoga American graphite.

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